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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

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Filtering by Category: Adult health

Las vacunas

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Vaccines

Las vacunas previenen que las personas se enfermen.

Algunas vacunas se administran al introducir una aguja en la piel (este tipo de vacunas se llaman "inyecciones"). Otras se rocían en la nariz (como algunos tipos de vacunas contra la influenza). Algunas otras vacunas se administran en forma oral (como la vacuna contra el rotavirus).

Las vacunas son una forma segura y efectiva de mantenerse saludable a usted mismo, a su familia y a su comunidad.

Vaccines recommended for children age 0-18

Las vacunas que se recomiendan para los adultos

Clínica de vacunación

La clínica del Departamento de Salud Pública y Servicios Sociales del Condado de Grays Harbor administra algunas vacunas para adultos. No administramos vacunas a los niños.

Washington 2-1-1 puede ayudarle a encontrar un proveedor de atención médica que administre vacunas a los niños.

Marque 2-1-1 o visite la página

Archivos de vacunación

El Departamento de Salud del estado de Washington proporciona a los padres y tutores acceso a los registros de vacunación de sus familiares en Vaya a o llame al (866) 397-0337.

Programa de vacunación para adultos

Washington proporciona una cantidad limitada de vacunas para adultos mayores de 19 años que no tienen seguro o tienen un seguro insuficiente. Actualmente, tenemos un suministro limitado de vacuna Tdap, influenza, Hepatitis A/B combo, HPV9, y Shingrix (culebrilla). Llame al (360) 532-8631 y pida hablar con una enfermera para ver si es elegible.

Programa de vacunación para niños

El Programa de vacunación para niños del estado de Washington proporciona vacunas a todos los niños menores de 19 años en Washington. El programa utiliza una combinación de fondos federales y estatales para comprar vacunas y distribuirlas a los proveedores de atención médica.  Si usted es un proveedor de atención médica interesado en participar en este programa, envíe un correo electrónico al Departamento de Salud del estado de Washington a


Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Vaccines

Vaccines prevent a person from getting sick.

Some vaccines are given by poking a needle into the skin (these type of vaccines are called "shots"). Some vaccines are sprayed into the nose (like some types of flu vaccines). Some vaccines are eaten (like the Rotavirus vaccine).

Vaccines are a safe and effective way to keep you, your family, and your community healthy.

Vaccines recommended for children age 0-6

Vaccines recommended for preteens and teens age 7-18

Vaccines recommended for adults

Vaccine Clinic

The Grays Harbor County Public Health and Social Services Department's clinic gives some vaccines to adults. We do not give vaccines to children.

Washington 2-1-1 can help you find a health care provider that gives vaccines to children.

Call 2-1-1 or visit

Vaccine Records

The Washington State Department of Health provides parents and guardians access to their family members' immunization records at Go to or call (866) 397-0337.

Adult Vaccine Program

The Washington State Adult Vaccine Program provides a limited amount of vaccine for adults 19 years of age and older who are uninsured or underinsured. Currently, we have a limited supply of Tdap, influenza, Hepatitis A/B combo, HPV9, and Shingrix (shingles) vaccine. Please call (360) 532-8631 and ask to speak to a nurse to see if you are eligible.

Childhood Vaccine Program

The Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program provides vaccine to all kids less than 19 years of age in Washington. The program uses a combination of federal and state funds to purchase vaccines and distributes them to health care providers.  If you are a health care provider interested in participating in this program, email the Washington State Department of Health at

LGBTQ+ Resources

Guest User



CDC: LGBTQ Health Services

American College of Healthcare Executives: Key LGBTQ+ Resources

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: LGBTQI+ Resources

Johns Hopkins University Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity: LGBTQ Resources offers a helpful web article that covers what questions are illegal for an employer to ask in an interview in accordance with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (

Statistical Insight | According to a 2022 article on the NASDAQ website, 61% of employees in the US have experienced or witnessed discrimination due to race, gender, sexual orientation, or age; 81% of this 61% sample group experienced this discrimination in a remote workplace environment. 

Servicios de Jeringas

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Syringe services

Salud Pública del Condado de Grays Harbor ya no maneja el intercambio de jeringas. Willapa Behavioral Health ha proporcionado esos servicios desde abril de 2021.

El intercambio de jeringas es un programa de salud pública para las personas que se inyectan drogas.  La meta principal del programa es prevenir la propagación de enfermedades contagiosas y reducir las infecciones del segmento de la población que se inyecta drogas.

Los servicios de intercambio de jeringas ofrecen jeringas estériles, recipiente para desecharlas y equipo limpio para inyectarse. Eso reduce la propagación de VIH y otras infecciones hemáticas de quienes se inyectan drogas, su familia y la comunidad.

Para mas información sobre el programa intercambio de jeringas, visite las páginas del programa Servicios de Jeringas en el sitio del Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington.


Prevención al Suicidio

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Suicide prevention

Nos da gusto que esté aquí.



Llame o envíe un texto al 988 o puede chatear en vivo en

Lifeline da apoyo gratuito y confidencial a las personas con aflicciones, lo ofrece las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, y ofrece recursos de prevención y crisis para usted o sus seres queridos, y las mejores prácticas para profesionales en los Estados Unidos.


Más recursos

Trans Lifeline
Ofrece servicios de intervención al suicidio para las personas no conformes con su género.

Teen Link
Recursos para adolescentes, apoyado por adolescentes capacitados.

Línea para Veteranos en Crisis
Comuníquese con un operador que responde a emergencias por teléfono, chat o texto.

Desarrolle sus habilidades en prevención de suicidio

Reciba capacitación conocida como QPR con enfoque en Preguntas, Persuasión y Referidos.

La capacitación dura de 60 a 90 minutos y puede ayudarle a:

  1. Reconocer las señales de peligro.
    2. Saber como hablar con alguien sobre su preocupación por ellos.
    3. Saber como ayudarles a recibir ayuda.

La capacitación se ofrece en inglés o español.

La capacitación individual o empresarial es GRATUITA a través de CHOICE Regional Health Network. Haga clic aquí para obtener información y las próximas fechas de clase o llame al 360-754-7629 para registrarse.

El Instituto QPR,  ofrece capacitación en línea y en persona, por una cuota. Visite para obtener más información sobre las oportunidades de capacitación en línea o en persona y para ver la lista de instructores más cercanos a usted.


Conozca los 5 pasos para ayudar alguien en crisis:

  1. Hacer preguntas

  2. Mantenerlos seguros

  3. Dar acompañamiento

  4. Ayudar a vincularse

  5. Dar seguimiento

Envíe un mensaje afectuoso.

Envíe una nota, texto, o correo electrónico que demuestre que usted se preocupa por ellos.

Algunas de las cosas para tener en cuenta son:

No tener prejuicios.

Resistir cualquier urgencia de decirle a la gente qué hacer.

En vez de decir “Le aprecio y quiero que me llame en cuanto reciba esto”,

trate, "Le aprecio. Si alguna vez quiere hablar, envíeme una nota".

Demuéstreles que usted cree en ellos.

Aun cuando este preocupado por ellos, enfóquese en lo mucho que cree en ellos, o que tiene esperanza.

En vez de decir "Te amo y estoy preocupado porque ..."

Trate, “Te amo, entiendo que estas pasando por muchas cosas y se que eres fuerte."

Sea usted mismo y nadie mas.

Si es su amigo, recuerde que no necesita hacer el papel de padre, terapeuta o líder religioso. Solo necesita ser usted mismo y demostrar que sí le importa.

Sepa como hablar sobre el suicidio con compasión y en forma acertada.

Examples (Ejemplos)

5-minute tutorial (Tutorial de 5 minutos)

Responsible reporting guidelines (Guia para reportes responsables)
(Para profesionales de los medios)

Wildfire smoke resources

Guest User

Smoke from wildfires is an increasing risk to public health. Sustained inhalation of wildfire smoke can cause respiratory issues and even heart and lung disease and death.

The following resources provide important information regarding wildfires that can help keep you, your families and your pets healthy during increasingly-long wildfire seasons.

Click map for current wildfires and air quality conditions

Click here for current fire information from the state Department of Natural Resources
DNR Wildfire Twitter

For kids and schools

Washington State Department of Health (DOH)

Washington Air Quality Guide for School & Child Care Activities: Includes recommendations to protect children and youth during school activities. Can be applied to child care, before- and after-school programs, camps, and sports programs for children and youth age 18 and younger.

Summary Wildfire Smoke Guidance for Closing Schools: Includes guidance for canceling or moving outdoor athletic events or practices in addition to closures during wildfire smoke events. (Updated in April 2022)

Note: These health guidance documents are designed to inform local decisions to protect health. DOH supports consideration of additional local factors and circumstances when implementing these recommendations in making public health decisions, including the duration of wildfire smoke in the area.

Additional Resources:

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Español

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

El Programa de Acceso Puente de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) brinda acceso continuo a las vacunas COVID-19 sin costo para los aproximadamente 25 a 30 millones de adultos que de otro modo habrían perdido el acceso ahora que estos productos han pasado al mercado comercial.

Los adultos con seguro insuficiente y sin seguro ahora pueden acceder a la vacuna COVID-19 a través del Programa Bridge Access, que incluye una asociación con CVS, Walgreens, otras farmacias en todo Washington y proveedores adicionales de vacunas para adultos. El Programa Bridge Access de los CDC proporciona vacunas contra el COVID-19 sin costo a adultos sin seguro médico y a adultos cuyo seguro no cubre todos los costos de la vacuna contra el COVID-19. Obtenga toda la información en

Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 sin costo a través de este programa estarán disponibles hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024, hasta agotar existencias. En las próximas semanas se realizarán actualizaciones de para incluir todas las ubicaciones de farmacias del Programa Bridge Access.

Todos los niños menores de 18 años tienen acceso a las vacunas COVID-19 a través del Programa de Vacunación Infantil sin costo para el paciente.

coronavirus blue.PNG

¿Tiene preguntas sobre COVID-19?

Para consultas sobre vacunas, pruebas, aislamiento y cuarentena relacionadas con COVID-19, comuníquese con la línea  COVID-19 del Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington [DOH]:

Salud Pública de Grays Harbor continuará actualizando el sitio web y la página de, con lo último sobre COVID-19 noticias y recomendaciones, según sea necesario.

Vacunas COVID-19 para las personas que no pueden salir de casa

El servicio de vacunación contra COVID-19 en casa está disponible para quienes no puedan transportarse. Para solicitar el servicio de vacunación en el hogar, llame al Departamento de Salud al 360-532-8631 o llene la solicitud en nuestro sitio web.

Haga clic aquí para ver la página del Departamento de Salud del estado con

Información sobre la seguridad de la vacuna COVID-19:
Sistema para reportar incidentes adversos por la vacuna
Posibles efectos secundarios

¿Dónde se puede hacer la prueba de COVID-19?

Directorio de lugares para hacerse la prueba COVID-19

Su médico de cabecera, la clínica local o el distrito escolar pueden tener pruebas disponibles. Consúltelos cuando otras fuentes no estén disponibles.

Las pruebas caseras:

Del estado: El programa termina el 11 de mayo.

Las pruebas para hacerse la prueba en casa también están disponibles en las sucursales de la Biblioteca Regional de Timberland.

¿En dónde vacunarse?

  • Entre en la página 4. Ponga el código postal para encontrar el centro de vacunación más conveniente para usted.

¿Qué hacer si estuvo expuesto?

Para la cuarentena, siga las siguientes recomendaciones que ofrece el CDC:

Para la cuarentena, siga las siguientes recomendaciones que ofrece el CDC:

¿Que pasa si alguien no tiene un lugar seguro para el aislamiento o la cuarentena?

Si necesita un lugar seguro para aislarse o ponerse en cuarentena, comuníquese con la línea directa estatal COVID-19 al (800) 525-0127.

Download and print “COVID-19: What Is Contact Tracing?” infographic (English) (PDF)

Download and print “COVID-19: What Is Contact Tracing?” infographic (English) (PDF)

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19: Que es Rastreo de Contactos?” infografía (español) (PDF)

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19: Que es Rastreo de Contactos?” infografía (español) (PDF)


Visit In The News for the latest public health press releases, including COVID-19 information.

Dejar el Tabaco

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Dejar el tabaco es una excelente manera de mejorar su salud. Es muy probable que haya escuchado hablar de los daños por consumo de tabaco y los beneficios de dejar de fumar, pero ¿sabía que el cuerpo comienza a sanar pocos minutos después de su último cigarrillo?

Por supuesto, nada que valga la pena es fácil; puede ser difícil dejar de fumar porque la nicotina, un componente químico en el tabaco y en muchos cigarrillos electrónicos / vapeadores, es muy adictivo, similar a la cocaína y la heroína. Puede hacer varios intentos para dejar de fumar de una vez por todas, pero entre más veces trate de dejar de fumar, tendrá más probabilidades de tener éxito en su próximo intento. Por lo tanto, recuerde: nunca deje de querer dejarlo.

Cuantas más veces trate de dejar de fumar, tendrá más probabilidades de tener éxito en el siguiente intento.
— Departamento de Salud del estado de Washington

El vapeo o el consumo de cigarrillos electrónicos, no es una forma comprobada para dejar el tabaco. De hecho, los cigarrillos electrónicos con nicotina son productos de tabaco, por lo que si vapea nicotina, todavía está usando tabaco. La mayoría de las personas que intentan dejar de fumar al cambiar a cigarrillos electrónicos no pueden hacer el cambio total, esto de acuerdo con la Dirección General de Salud de los Estados Unidos, que dice el dejar de fumar es la única forma de beneficiar su salud. Hasta las personas que pueden cambiar por completo a menudo siguen siendo adictas a la nicotina y en sí, los cigarrillos electrónicos no son seguros.

El fumar y vapear es caro, así que ahorre su dinero y confíe en métodos gratuitos y comprobados para dejar de fumar, que incluyen asesoramiento y medicamentos aprobados por la Administración Estadounidense de Medicamentos y Alimentos.

Ayuda gratuita para dejar de fumar ya

Puede dejar de fumar de forma gratuita. Hable con su doctor de cabecera acerca de querer dejar de fumar o elija entre estos programas de ayuda gratuita para ayudarlo a dejar de fumar y continuar así.

Washington State Quitline

Desde el año 2000, la línea para dejar de fumar del estado de Washington ha ayudado a decenas de miles de residentes de Washington a dejar de fumar. Puede obtener asesoramiento gratuito, confidencial e individual de un entrenador para dejar de fumar, y puede ser elegible para medicamentos gratuitos para ayudarlo a dejar de fumar, vapear o consumir tabaco. Regístrese al:

  • Llamar al 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669);

  • Visitar el sitio web; o

  • Enviar mensaje de texto “READY” al 200-400.

¿Aún no está listo? Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre la Línea para dejar de fumar y otras opciones de asesoramiento.

Aplicación para smartphone 2Morrow Health

2Morrow Health es una aplicación gratuita, anónima y autoguiado basada en programas que enseñan cómo lidiar con pensamientos poco útiles, impulsos y deseos causados por la nicotina. Puede crear un perfil, seleccionar una fecha para dejar de fumar y monitorear su propio progreso para dejar de vapear, fumar u otro tipo de consumo de tabaco.

La terapia para dejar de fumar basada en la aplicación de 2Morrow ha demostrado efectividad en ensayos clínicos aleatorios y es de dos a tres veces más efectiva que dejar de fumar sin ayuda.
— Harvard Business Review

Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre la aplicación 2Morrow Health.

Recursos adicionales

Sitios web

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Bridge Access Program provides continued access to COVID-19 vaccines at no cost for the estimated 25-30 million adults who would have otherwise lost access now that these products have transitioned to the commercial market.

Under- and uninsured adults can now access COVID-19 vaccine via the Bridge Access Program, which includes partnership with CVS, Walgreens, other pharmacies across Washington and additional Adult Vaccine Providers. CDC's Bridge Access Program provides no-cost COVID-19 vaccines to adults without health insurance and adults whose insurance does not cover all COVID-19 vaccine costs. Get all the info at

No-cost COVID-19 vaccines through this program will be available until December 31, 2024, while supplies last. Updates to will be made in the coming weeks to include all pharmacy locations of the Bridge Access Program.

All children 18 years of age and under have access to COVID-19 vaccines via the Childhood Vaccine Program at no cost to the patient.

coronavirus blue.PNG

Have questions about COVID-19?

For vaccine, testing, isolation and quarantine, and other COVID-19 inquiries, contact the Washington State Department of Health COVID-19 hotline:

The Grays Harbor Public Health website and Facebook page - - will continue to update with the latest COVID-19 news and guidance as needed.

COVID-19 vaccinations for the homebound

COVID-19 vaccinations are available for those unable to travel. To access this service, contact us at 360-532-8631 or fill out the online Department of Health home-based vaccine request.

Click here for the state Department of Health’s COVID-19 vaccine information page.

COVID-19 Vaccine safety information:
Pre-vaccination screening checklist
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Possible side effects

Where can I get tested for COVID-19?

State directory of COVID-19 testing sites

Your personal physician, local clinic, or school district may have testing available. Check with them when other sources are unavailable.

At-home testing:

From the state: Program ends May 11.

At-home tests are also available at Timberland Regional Library branches.

Where can I get vaccinated?

What should I do if I was exposed?

Please follow the CDC's quarantine guidance available below:

What should I do if I tested positive?

Please follow the CDC's isolation guidance available below:

Where can I learn more about variants?

For the most updated information on variants visit DOH's COVID-19 Variants page.

What if someone doesn't have a safe place to isolate or quarantine?

If you need a safe location to isolate or quarantine, please contact the State COVID-19 Hotline at (800) 525-0127.

What happens during a disease investigation?

View an infographic that highlights how contact tracing works.

Download and print “COVID-19: What Is Contact Tracing?” infographic (English) (PDF)

Download and print “COVID-19: What Is Contact Tracing?” infographic (English) (PDF)

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19: Que es Rastreo de Contactos?” infografía (español) (PDF)

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19: Que es Rastreo de Contactos?” infografía (español) (PDF)


Visit In The News for the latest public health press releases, including COVID-19 information.

Quitting Tobacco

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Quitting tobacco is a great way to improve your health. You have probably heard about the harms of tobacco use and the benefits of quitting smoking, but did you know that your body starts to heal just minutes after your last cigarette?

Of course, nothing worthwhile is easy; it can be hard to quit because nicotine, a chemical in tobacco and many e-cigarettes/vapes, is very addictive – similar to cocaine and heroin. It can take several tries to quit for good, but the more times you try to quit, the more likely you are to succeed on your next try. So, remember: Never quit quitting.

The more times you try to quit, the more likely you are to succeed on your next try.
— Washington State Department of Health

Vaping, or use of e-cigarettes, is not a proven way to quit tobacco. In fact, e-cigarettes with nicotine are tobacco products, so if you vape nicotine, you are still using tobacco. Most people who try to quit smoking with e-cigarettes are not able to completely switch to them, which – according to the U.S. Surgeon General – is the only way to achieve the health benefits of quitting smoking. And, even people who can completely switch are often still addicted to the nicotine, and e-cigarettes are not safe.

Smoking and vaping are expensive, so save your money and rely on free, proven quitting methods, including counseling and FDA-approved medication.

Free Help Quitting Now

You can quit for free. Ask your health care provider about quitting or choose from these free programs to help you quit and stay quit.

Washington State Quitline

Since 2000, the Washington State Quitline has helped tens of thousands of Washingtonians quit smoking. You can get free, confidential, one-on-one counseling from a Quit Coach, and may be eligible for free medication to help you quit smoking, vaping, or other tobacco. Register by:

  • Calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669);

  • Visiting; or

  • Texting READY to 200-400.

Not ready just yet? Click here to learn more about the Quitline and other counseling options.

2Morrow Health smartphone app

2Morrow Health is a free, anonymous, self-guided app-based program that teaches you how to deal with unhelpful thoughts, urges, and cravings caused by nicotine. You can create a profile, select a quit date, and track your progress in quitting vaping, smoking, or other tobacco use.

2Morrow’s app-based, smoking-cessation therapy has demonstrated effectiveness in randomized clinical trials and is two to three times more effective than unaided smoking cessation.
— Harvard Business Review

Syringe services

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Syringe services

The Grays Harbor County Public Health and Social Services Department no longer administers syringe exchange services as of March 30, 2021. Willapa Behavioral Health began offering these services after April 1, 2021.

Current program hours are:

Tuesdays from 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM.

516 E. First Street, Aberdeen, WA 98520 (Parking lot of Grays Harbor Treatment Solutions).

Syringe services is a public health program for people who inject drugs. The program’s primary goal is to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and reduce infections among people who inject drugs.

Syringe services provides new, sterile syringes, sharps containers, and clean injection equipment.  This reduces the spread of HIV and other blood-borne infections among people who inject drugs, their families, and communities.

Syringe services include:

  • New, sterile syringes.

  • Naloxone distribution.

  • Referral to drug treatment

  • Referral to community resources, such as health care, behavioral health, housing, and food banks.

  • Access to safe disposal of used syringes for individuals who inject drugs.

Questions and answers

What is the current situation?

On December 18, 2018, the Grays Harbor County Board of Health adopted a resolution to end Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department’s syringe services program on June 30, 2019.

On April 25, 2019, the Grays Harbor County Board of Health reversed this decision; Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department will continue to provide syringe services.

In January 2021 the Grays Harbor County Board of Health voted to discontinue the County's administration of the syringe services program as of April 1, 2021.

In March 2021 Grays Harbor County received a letter of intent from Willapa Behavioral Health indicating they plan to provide services of collecting, exchanging, and disposing of syringes as well as offering information on services to recovery beginning in April 2021.

As of March 30, 2021 Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services no longer provides syringe exchange services.

For a directory of local, regional, and statewide syringe service programs please visit

What are syringe services programs?

Syringe services programs (SSPs) are community-based public health programs that serve people who inject drugs. SSPs generally have four core components:

  1. Provide free, sterile syringes and other supplies to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

  2. Facilitate safe disposal of used syringes.

  3. Offer education about overdose prevention and safer injection practices, such as training on how to use naloxone (an overdose-reversal drug).

  4. Provide referrals or access to additional medical, mental, or social services, including HIV and hepatitis C testing and drug treatment and counseling

SSPs reduce the risk of HIV, hepatitis C, and other bloodborne pathogens by increasing access to sterile syringes, removing used syringes from the community, and educating clients about how to prevent the spread of infectious disease and reduce their risk of abscesses and infections.

How long have syringe services existed in Grays Harbor County? Are there other syringe services programs in Washington State?

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department has operated a syringe services program since 2004. The program was authorized by Resolution #BOH-04-01, approved by Grays Harbor County Board of Health on January 15, 2004.

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services discontinued administration of this program as of March 30, 2021. Willapa Behavioral Health has indicated plans to conitnue the service as of April 2021.

According to Washington State Department of Health, there are currently 24 syringe services programs operating around Washington State that serve over 45 different locations.

For a directory of local, regional, and statewide syringe service programs please visit


In Washington State, local Boards of Health are given broad authority to “enact such local rules and regulations as are necessary in order to preserve, promote and improve the public health and provide for the enforcement thereof.” This allows local Boards of Health to approve syringe services programs within their jurisdiction. (RCW 70.05.060)

Washington State drug paraphernalia laws do not prohibit the legal distribution of syringes through public health, community based HIV prevention programs, and pharmacies. (RCW 69.50.4121) They also allow any person over the age of 18 to possess sterile syringes for the purpose of reducing bloodborne diseases. (RCW 69.50.412).

Why do syringe services programs make public health sense?

SSPs improve community health. ([CDC][7])

• SSPs reduce HIV, Hepititis C, and other disease transmission.

• SSPs do not increase crime or drug use.

• SSPs connect people to other health services, including HIV testing and care services and drug treatment.

• SSPs facilitate safe syringe disposal, so that police officers, emergency medical responders, and community members are less likely to have a needlestick injury.

• SSPs save health care dollars by preventing infections from blood borne viruses and abscesses from dull, contaminated syringes.

• SSPs reduce overdose death through education about how to prevent and respond to overdose situations.

SSPs are an important part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the harms of drug use. ([Surgeon General Report On Alcohol, Drugs, and Health, 2016][8])

Historically, society has treated substance use disorders as a moral weakness or as a willful rejection of societal norms, addressing these problems primarily through the criminal justice system.

Evidence now shows that addiction to alcohol or drugs is a chronic, but treatable, brain disorder that requires medical intervention, and has the potential for both recurrence and recovery.

Building on the federal public health approach, many communities are developing public health approaches to address substance misuse. A public health approach seeks to understand the broad factors that influence substance misuse and substance use disorders and applies that knowledge to improve the health, safety, and well-being of the entire population.

In Grays Harbor County, the health department takes a comprehensive public health approach to reducing substance misuse.

• [My Town][9] and Harbor Strong coalitions are focused on preventing underage drug use. Coalition members represent multiple sectors of the community, including; schools, media, private business, city officials, law enforcement, medical, behavioral health treatment, parents and students. These efforts also include a school-based prevention component, which is conducted in partnership with ESD 113, Hoquiam School District and Aberdeen School District.

Grays Harbor Therapeutic Court provides qualifying individuals who have abused substances with an opportunity for judicially supervised treatment as an alternative to incarceration.

• The Overdose Prevention Project distributes naloxone and conducts overdose response education to those at risk of witnessing or experiencing an opioid overdose. This includes community health workers, lay responders, and law enforcement officers. Project staff also collaborated with other community organizations to write and carry out the Grays Harbor County Opioid Needs Assessment and Response Plan, written in 2018.

• The Rural Response to the Opioid Epidemic project brings stakeholders together to reduce death and disease associated with opioid overdose among individuals who come in contact with law enforcement or criminal justice systems.

Are there other ways that people can get new, sterile syringes?

Syringes may be available for purchase at retail pharmacies. Washington State does not require a prescription to purchase syringes at a retail pharmacy.

Medicaid and other insurance may partially or completely cover these costs. - List of GH Pharmacies

Neighboring Syringe Service Programs

Lewis County : Gather Church Harm Reduction Program

  • Centralia Harm Reduction Van at W. Reynolds Ave & Johnson Road (under the I-5 overpass)
  • Wednesdays 4-6 p.m.
  • Contact: Cole Meckle 425-218-3060

Mason County: Substance use mobile outreach of Mason County

  • Belfair – parking lot of Community Food Pantry at 71 NE Old Belfair Highway
  • Tuesdays 11-1
  • Skokomish Health Clinic – lot quarter of a mile north of Lucky Dog Casino at 19670 N Hwy 101
  • Kamilche – adjacent to the Kamilche Trading Post 3850 SE Old Olympic Hwy
  • Thursdays 11-1 and 2-4 p.m.

Thurston County: Emma Goldman Youth & Homeless Outreach Program (EGYHOP)

Thurston County: Public Health & Social Services

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays
  • 12 noon – 5 pm
  • 1000 Cherry St SE
  • Olympia, WA 98501
  • Entrance is on the back of the building (east facing)
  • Wednesdays – mobile services
  • By appointment only
  • Call 360.490.9155
  • for details & to schedule an appointment


Pierce County: Tacoma Needle Exchange

  • South 14th and G Street (Tacoma)
  • Wednesdays 1-6 p.m.
  • Tacoma Pierce County Health Department Mondays and Fridays 1-4 p.m.

Do syringe services programs increase syringe litter? What should I do if I find a syringe?

We share everyone’s desire for a clean, safe community. Research shows that cities with syringe services programs have less syringe litter than cities without syringe services programs.

It can be unsettling to find a syringe; it is a reminder of the complex problems our community is experiencing.

If you find a syringe, you can help make sure it is disposed of safely.

• If the syringe is on public property, like a city park, call the city or town to report it.

• If the syringe is on private property, tell the landlord or business owner.

• If you want to clean up the syringe yourself, use a pair of tongs to pick up the syringe and put it into a sharps container or some other thick-walled container that can be sealed. Call your local trash collector for disposal instructions.

Visit for resources that can help you teach children what to do if they find a syringe.

Other Information

Contact LeMay Inc. to learn how to properly dispose of syringes in your garbage (Grays Harbor County only) (website)

Contact LeMay Inc. to learn how to properly dispose of syringes in your garbage (Grays Harbor County only) (website)

Visit to learn what to do if you or your child finds a used needle (website)

Visit to learn what to do if you or your child finds a used needle (website)

Download and print a fact sheet about the benefits of syringe services programs (.pdf)

Download and print a fact sheet about the benefits of syringe services programs (.pdf)

Download and print a fact sheet about safe syringe disposal from Washington State Department of Health (.pdf)

Download and print a fact sheet about safe syringe disposal from Washington State Department of Health (.pdf)

Download and print a fact sheet about syringe services programs, from Washington State Department of Health (.pdf)

Download and print a fact sheet about syringe services programs, from Washington State Department of Health (.pdf)



Hepatitis C


There are reports that fentanyl is in the Grays Harbor drug market.

Fentanyl is being sold in:

  • pill form as fake oxycodone, Xanax, and other club drugs

  • powder form as heroin or fent

  • powder form mixed into drugs like crystal meth and cocaine

Fentanyl is 50-100 times more potent than heroin or morphine.  The high potency of fentanyl greatly increases the risk of overdose, especially if a person who uses drugs is unaware that a powder or pill contains fentanyl.

If someone overdoses, always call 911 first.  If you have naloxone, follow protocols for using it.  Give them one dose, wait 2-3 minutes to see if they respond, then give a second dose.  Because fentanyl is so strong, the help of emergency responders, who will have more naloxone, is critical.

Download and print a fentanyl warning sheet (.pdf)

Download and print a fentanyl warning sheet (.pdf)


Suicide prevention

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Suicide prevention

We are glad you are here.



Call or text 988, or live chat at

The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.


Additional resources

The Trevor Project
Offers suicide intervention services for LGBTQ youth ages 13-24 through telephone, text, or chat.

Trans Lifeline
Offers suicide intervention services for people who are gender non-comforming.

Teen Link
A resource line for teens, staffed by trained teens.

Veterans’ Crisis Line
Connect with a crisis responder over the phone, chat, or text.

Other help

Videos that hack suffering.
Free online therapy and resources for mental health and substance problems.

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Accurate, up-to-date information. Free trainings, toolkits, research, and data. Culturally-specific information.

We R Native

For Native youth, by Native youth.

Build your skills in preventing suicide

Get trained in QPR - Question, Persuade, Refer.

This 60-90 minute training can help you:

  1. Know the warning signs.
    2. Know how to talk with someone about your concerns for them.
    3. Know how to get them help.

Trainings are available in English or Spanish.

FREE individual and corporate training is available, sponsored by CHOICE Regional Health Network - click here for information and upcoming class dates or call 360-754-7629 to register.

Online and in-person training for a fee available from the QPR Institute. Visit for more information, online training opportunities and a list of nearby in-person instructors.


Learn the 5 steps to help someone in crisis.

  1. Ask

  2. Keep them safe

  3. Be there

  4. Help them connect

  5. Follow up

Send a caring message.

Send a note, text, or email to show someone that you care about them.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

Be non-judmental.

Resist any urges to tell people what to do.

Instead of "I care about you and I want you to call me as soon as you get this,"

try, "I care about you. If you ever want to talk, drop me a line."

Show them that you believe in them.

Even if you are worried about them, focus on how much you believe in them, or have hope for them.

Instead of "I love you and am worried about you because..."

try, "I love you and I know you've been through a lot and are strong."

Be yourself, and no one else.

If you are a friend, remember that you do not need to play the role of a parent, therapist, or faith leader. You only need to be you and show you care.

More examples of caring messages.

Learn how to talk about suicide in a compassionate and accurate way.


5-minute tutorial

Responsible reporting guidelines
(for media professionals)

Breast, Cervical, & Colon Health Program

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Breast, Cervical, & Colon Health Program

The Grays Harbor County Public Health clinic is a provider in the Washington State Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health program.  This program will pay for exams, Pap screening and mammograms for eligible men and women.

To be eligible, you must:

  • be aged 40-64,

  • meet certain income criteria, and

  • have no health insurance coverage for health screening services or have a high deductible for follow-up cancer testing.

Call 800-992-1817 ext. 1 to see if you are eligible and enroll.

breast cervical colon health program.png

Developmental disabilities

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Developmental disabilities

We believe everyone should be included at school, at work, and in the community so that they can live a full life and pursue their dreams.



Grays Harbor County’s Developmental Disability program empowers and supports people who have developmental or intellectual disabilities or special needs. We work to increase information about developmental disabilities and we promote understanding and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.

We partner with advocacy groups, schools, the business community, and local, state, and federal agencies.

Experience has taught us that people with developmental disabilities have the skills, interests, and talents to enhance their community. We also know that employment is a powerful way to contribute to the community.

For more information about our history and the services we provide, please visit Washington State Developmental Disabilities Administration’s (DDA) website:

To contact the Grays Harbor County Developmental Disabilities program coordinator, please call or email Dee Dee Garman at (360) 500-4070 or

CLOSED: Request for Proposal (RFP)
Community Information and Education Services for Developmental Disabilities

Grays Harbor County is seeking proposals from qualified agencies to deliver Community Information and Education Services aimed at informing and educating the public about developmental disabilities. These services are intended to promote public awareness, increase community involvement, and strengthen community capacity to support individuals with developmental disabilities. The maximum funding available for this project is up to $60,000.00 per fiscal year.

Click here for the full RFP.

Services and eligibility


Community information, education, and referral services

We inform and educate the public and school personnel about developmental disabilities and related services. We do this through information and referrals, workshops, support groups, liaison for school IEP/504 meetings, and assistance with applying for state and federal services. This service helps people with developmental disabilities, their families, and other stakeholders learn how to navigate the developmental disabilities, social services, and school systems.

  • Who is eligible for this service? This service is available to anyone with developmental disabilities and their family.

  • Who are the qualified providers of this service in Grays Harbor County?


Individual supported employment services

We assist adults age 21+ who have developmental disabilities and are seeking employment. We provide job training, skill development, job placement, and follow-up services to help the person remain successfully employed. Supports and service levels are based on the needs of the individual.


Community inclusion services

We help people with developmental disabilities build and strengthen relationships and become members in clubs, associations, and/or organizations.

Helpful resources and links

Developmental Disabilities Administration | Offers a variety of home- and community-based services for children and adults with developmental disabilities including Medicaid Personal Care, Employment/Day, Supported Living, therapies, and respite.

Informing Families | Provides up-to-date resource information and planning tools for individuals with developmental disabilities of all ages.

My Life Plan | An online planning tool.

Chartering the Life Course | pamphlet on planning and services.

Parent to Parent (P2P) Programs (Arc of Washington State) | Helps parents connect one-to-one with a trained, experienced parent (based on similar diagnoses and/or family issues), information and referrals, workshops, trainings, and support services.

Washington State Fathers Network | Supports fathers and families of children with special needs.

Disability Movement Coalition (through Arc of Grays Harbor) | Connects people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, family members, guardians, and concerned citizens with people who have lived experience. Disability Movement Coalition helps them organize their voices on important legislative issues that affect their lives.

Arc of Washington State | Advocates for quality services and necessary funding to meet the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

Special Olympics Washington | Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition.

Apply to become a provider

Open request for qualifications | Services for individuals with developmental disabilities

This request for qualification (RFQ) provides an opportunity to submit an application for consideration as an agency qualified to provide services in Grays Harbor County.

An agency currently working under a county contract need not respond to this RFQ.

Grays Harbor County contracts with local qualified services providers utilizing funding from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) to provide the following services:

  • Community information, education, and referral

  • Individual supported employment

  • Community inclusion

Each service is described in the application. All instructions are available in the application.

Download and print RFQ application (.docx)

Download and print RFQ application (.docx)