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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

Directory of services & programs

Developmental disabilities

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Developmental disabilities

We believe everyone should be included at school, at work, and in the community so that they can live a full life and pursue their dreams.



Grays Harbor County’s Developmental Disability program empowers and supports people who have developmental or intellectual disabilities or special needs. We work to increase information about developmental disabilities and we promote understanding and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.

We partner with advocacy groups, schools, the business community, and local, state, and federal agencies.

Experience has taught us that people with developmental disabilities have the skills, interests, and talents to enhance their community. We also know that employment is a powerful way to contribute to the community.

For more information about our history and the services we provide, please visit Washington State Developmental Disabilities Administration’s (DDA) website:

To contact the Grays Harbor County Developmental Disabilities program coordinator, please call or email Dee Dee Garman at (360) 500-4070 or

CLOSED: Request for Proposal (RFP)
Community Information and Education Services for Developmental Disabilities

Grays Harbor County is seeking proposals from qualified agencies to deliver Community Information and Education Services aimed at informing and educating the public about developmental disabilities. These services are intended to promote public awareness, increase community involvement, and strengthen community capacity to support individuals with developmental disabilities. The maximum funding available for this project is up to $60,000.00 per fiscal year.

Click here for the full RFP.

Services and eligibility


Community information, education, and referral services

We inform and educate the public and school personnel about developmental disabilities and related services. We do this through information and referrals, workshops, support groups, liaison for school IEP/504 meetings, and assistance with applying for state and federal services. This service helps people with developmental disabilities, their families, and other stakeholders learn how to navigate the developmental disabilities, social services, and school systems.

  • Who is eligible for this service? This service is available to anyone with developmental disabilities and their family.

  • Who are the qualified providers of this service in Grays Harbor County?


Individual supported employment services

We assist adults age 21+ who have developmental disabilities and are seeking employment. We provide job training, skill development, job placement, and follow-up services to help the person remain successfully employed. Supports and service levels are based on the needs of the individual.


Community inclusion services

We help people with developmental disabilities build and strengthen relationships and become members in clubs, associations, and/or organizations.

Helpful resources and links

Developmental Disabilities Administration | Offers a variety of home- and community-based services for children and adults with developmental disabilities including Medicaid Personal Care, Employment/Day, Supported Living, therapies, and respite.

Informing Families | Provides up-to-date resource information and planning tools for individuals with developmental disabilities of all ages.

My Life Plan | An online planning tool.

Chartering the Life Course | pamphlet on planning and services.

Parent to Parent (P2P) Programs (Arc of Washington State) | Helps parents connect one-to-one with a trained, experienced parent (based on similar diagnoses and/or family issues), information and referrals, workshops, trainings, and support services.

Washington State Fathers Network | Supports fathers and families of children with special needs.

Disability Movement Coalition (through Arc of Grays Harbor) | Connects people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, family members, guardians, and concerned citizens with people who have lived experience. Disability Movement Coalition helps them organize their voices on important legislative issues that affect their lives.

Arc of Washington State | Advocates for quality services and necessary funding to meet the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

Special Olympics Washington | Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition.

Apply to become a provider

Open request for qualifications | Services for individuals with developmental disabilities

This request for qualification (RFQ) provides an opportunity to submit an application for consideration as an agency qualified to provide services in Grays Harbor County.

An agency currently working under a county contract need not respond to this RFQ.

Grays Harbor County contracts with local qualified services providers utilizing funding from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) to provide the following services:

  • Community information, education, and referral

  • Individual supported employment

  • Community inclusion

Each service is described in the application. All instructions are available in the application.

Download and print RFQ application (.docx)

Download and print RFQ application (.docx)