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Assessment & data
Grays Harbor Substance Use Response Plan
This response plan includes history and context of the original Opioid Needs Assessment and Response Plan completed by Public Health in 2018, priorities and progress from 2018-2024, the updated substance use landscape, and an outline of priorities for continued and further action to address the epidemic of substance misuse and its negative health effects in our community.
Grays Harbor Youth Third Space Report March 2024
Grays Harbor County Public Health Department engaged with Health Management Associates (HMA) to conduct an assessment for options to consider a third space facility in Grays Harbor and to better understand the youth engagement supports in the community.
The Grays Harbor County Youth Third Space Report also includes a community facility dashboard.
Recent County assessments have highlighted the need to understand the landscape of youth third spaces in Grays Harbor. In their Community Health Assessment (2022), Grays Harbor identified the lack of recreational and safe spaces for young people as a key gap. Additionally, the Behavioral Health Gap Analysis (2022), Early Childhood Supports Services Gap Analysis (2023), and the 2021 Health Youth Survey (conducted every other year by the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) notes gaps in after school, mental health and prosocial supports within Grays Harbor, in comparison to Washington state averages. A growing body of research points to the devastating impacts of loneliness on mental health with an emphasis on youth mental health outcomes.
What is a third space?
A third space is a shared place for a community to gather. The name “third space” distinguishes it from home (a first space) or school/work (a second space). A youth third space is a place for teens and young adults to come together, for both informal time to socialize and to access formal activities and support. It is intended to promote a sense of belonging and is a place youth want to return to again and again. The assessment seeks to capture both the current availability of spaces and activities for youth in Grays Harbor, while also evaluating the extent to which these spaces are meeting the needs of youth. Particular attention was paid to whether there are spaces available that cultivate a sense of belonging for youth who participate. The report provides example models that can be adapted to Grays Harbor County.
The analysis was conducted over the course of a six-month period between September of 2023 and February 2024. The assessment incorporated geo-mapping and accompanying data analysis. Analysis was conducted of demographic data sets and key performance indicators available through both publicly available and subscription-based sources.
The HMA team reviewed regional and county assessments related to behavioral health, youth well-being, and school outcomes and conducted their own interviews and surveys including:
Gathered input from 5 youth-related coalitions in Grays Harbor
Conducted 7 key informant interviews with youth providers and other key stakeholders
Gathered input from 76 Grays Harbor youth
Defining the need in Grays Harbor
Grays Harbor has a mix of urban and rural population centers that are geographically separated in a configuration that creates transportation and access issues. This is particularly impactful when considering the location and density of resources for youth to access. Youth need spaces and opportunities to connect with one another in safe environments that are close to the places where they live and attend school. Grays Harbor’s geography creates additional challenges to meeting this need.
As such, multiple coalitions have developed over time to address the needs of the specific regions within the County. Each of these coalitions is working to develop capacity and supports for youth in their local communities. These are a critical resource, and yet there is not currently a coordinating body for all youth space efforts within the County. This may lead to a duplication of efforts and limits the potential for the collective impact that could be achieved with greater coordination.
Additionally, Grays Harbor lacks a place where youth and their families can learn about the activities and third spaces that are offered, including days, times, costs, and specific activities. This contributes to inequitable access and limits use of these resources, as knowledge of their availability is based on word of mouth or being connected to the specific organization that is offering the activity.
On March 13, Department of Health announced the 2023 Healthy Youth Survey in which Grays Harbor students expressed increased awareness of activities available in their neighborhood or community; however, the report still shows a high percentage of youth in our community with low neighborhood attachment and pro-social involvement. Youth also shared that there is a lack of spaces to simply, safely “hang out” without structured activities. A third space would provide opportunities to give individuals a sense of belonging and bridge connections across the community for positive health outcomes.
Lastly, a theme that emerged was a history of spaces and activities that have emerged, developed a popular following and then disappeared from the area. This has created some skepticism among community members as to whether it is possible to develop a true and lasting third space.
Grays Harbor County Behavioral Health Crisis Triage Report
Grays Harbor engaged with Health Management Associates to conduct an assessment and financial model for options to consider a crisis triage facility in Grays Harbor and to increase the behavioral health crisis triage supports for the community. The analysis was conducted over the course of a four-month period in late 2023 and builds on data and stakeholder work done for the Behavioral Health Gap Analysis. This assessment included stakeholder engagement through key informant interviews with 9 organizations, two provider forums, and analysis of the Medicaid claims database (T-MSIS) for the years 2017-2020. All data analyzed for this project was specific to Grays Harbor residents. Claims data reflect the utilization of Grays Harbor residents regardless of their location within Washington when they received the care. Analysis conducted included learning more about a prior stabilization unit in Grays Harbor, the Crisis Clinic, and some general information about the average census of that unit. The assessment below includes a summary of the background and methodology, themes from providers and considerations for future state.
The report includes an analysis of needs and recommendations for system improvement.
You can read the full report here.
Attacking the gaps: 2023 Early Childhood Support Services Gap Analysis
In 2023 we completed a study on gaps in early childhood support services in the county, seeking input from providers, parents and other stakeholders in the county. The results of this analysis are being used to develop programs and projects that will work toward filling those gaps in the coming years.
Along with the report is an interactive data dashboard that shows existing childhood services and other data.
Data-driven goals for Public Health: Strategic Plan 2023-25
Grays Harbor County Public Health has developed its 2023-25 Strategic Plan, outlining short-, medium- and long-term strategies for the coming years with the goal of improving the health of all the citizens of Grays Harbor County.
Read the Strategic Plan here.
Behavioral Health Gaps Analysis provides roadmap to improved mental health and substance abuse disorder services
Report - click here
Interactive data dashboard - click here
To identify and best plan how to address public health needs, Grays Harbor County Public Health partnered with Rede Group to perform a community health assessment (CHA) and create a community health improvement plan (CHIP) to provide actionable priorities, goals, and strategies. This body of work will help guide Public Health’s work to improve the overall health of the community.
Click here for a three-page summary.
Click here for the full report.
Community health snapshots
These one-page snapshots give an overview of Grays Harbor County’s health in an easy-to-read format. Available in both English and Spanish.
Data sources
Healthy Youth Survey, 2018, grade 8
Data sources
By topic
By source
Risk and Protection Profiles for Substance Abuse Prevention Planning (WA Dept. of Social and Health Services)
Washington Tracking Network (WA Dept. of Health)
Last updated: December 6, 2019