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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

Directory of services & programs

Salud Sexual y Reproductiva

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Sexual and Reproductive Health

Creemos que la salud reproductiva es para todos.

Ofrecemos servicios a TODAS las personas con capacidad de reproducción, ya sea que desee el embarazo o convertirse en padres de familia.

Nuestro personal habla inglés y español.

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El personal de la Clínica de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva está listo para atender todo lo que necesite de salud reproductiva. Para todos nuestros servicios aceptamos Apple Health, seguro privado, además, ofrecemos un programa con precios ajustables a sus ingresos.

Primera fila izquierda a derecha: Erica, Jeannie, Lupe y Lizette.
Fila de atrás de izquierda a derecha: Kim, Debby, Lenka – Clínica y Lisa.

Atención a la salud de alta calidad que cumple con los estándares nacionales.

Control de la natalidad:
Hay disponibles todos los tipos de anticonceptivos reversibles de acción prolongada (LARC):

  • Implante de brazo Nexplanon, contracepción hasta por 5 años

  • Dispositivo IntraUterino [DIU] Paragard no hormonal, contracepción hasta por 12 años

  • DIU hormonales: Mirena y Liletta, contracepción hasta por 7 años; y Kyleena, contracepción hasta por 5 añosMedroxyprogesterone injections - contraception for up to 3 months

Inyecciones de medroxiprogesterona - contracepción por hasta 3 meses

Muchas píldoras hormonales CHC-Combine diferentes, tomadas diariamente

Píldora POP, solo progesterona tomada todos los días

Aro/anillo vaginal Nuvaring, para cambio mensual

Parche Xulane, para cambio semanal

Contracepción de emergencia   

  • DIU Paragard: hasta 5 días después del coito sin protección

  • Plan B y Ella: hasta 3-5 días después del coito sin protección


Método Observación de la Fertilidad

Salud de la Mujer. La consulta de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva incluye

Atención preventiva relacionada con la salud sexual y reproductiva

  • Revisión de la presión sanguínea

  • Examen de los senos y referidos a mamografías

  • Prueba de Papanicolaou

  • Cesación del hábito de fumar

  • Detección de infecciones transmitidas sexualmente [ITS]

  • Vacunación

Preocupaciones de salud relacionados con salud sexual y reproductiva

  • Senos

  • Hormonal

  • Lesiones en área genital

  • Menstrual

  • Vaginal

  • Urinario

Pruebas de embarazo, confirmación, asesoramiento de opciones y referidos

Asesoramiento previo a la concepción

Salud del hombre. La consulta de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva incluye

Atención preventiva relacionada con la salud sexual y reproductiva

  • Revisión de la presión sanguínea

  • Cesación del hábito de fumar

  • Detección de infecciones transmitidas sexualmente [ITS]

  • Vacunación

Problemas de salud relacionados con la salud sexual y reproductiva

  • Ardor al orinar o eyacular

  • Desecho

  • Lesiones

Infecciones transmitidas sexualmente [ITS] como parte de la visita de salud sexual y reproductiva


  • VIH, VIH rápido, sífilis

  • Clamidia, gonorrea, tricomoniasis



Atención médica conveniente y confidencial


  • Citas el mismo día

  • Comience el mismo día a utilizar el control de la natalidad más apropiado para usted, lo que podría incluir anticonceptivos reversibles de larga duración [LARCs]

  • Clínica abierta para resurtido, vacunas y para pacientes establecidos con tratamiento para infecciones transmitidas sexualmente

Horario para la clínica abierta sin cita:
Lunes, martes y jueves 
9-11 a.m. y 2-4 p.m.

Horarios para citas:
De lunes a jueves y el viernes una vez al mes
8 a.m.-medio día y 12:30-4:30 p.m.


Obtenga el control de la natalidad en la clínica, con Apple Health y Medicaid no necesitará ir a la farmacia.


  • Servicios para la salud para todo presupuesto

  • Se acepta la mayoría de los seguros médicos, vea si estamos en su red autorizada. No aceptamos Medicare

  • Tarifas ajustables de acuerdo con sus ingresos

Ayuda con la solicitud para tener solo planificación familiar [FPO] Medicaid

  • Esta cobertura está disponible para no ciudadanos y ciudadanos que ganan menos del 150% de FPL hasta el 250% de FPL y no tienen seguro medico.

Confidencial según RCW 9.02.100 (2): Los menores de edad pueden obtener o rechazar servicios para el control de la natalidad a cualquier edad sin el consentimiento de un padre o tutor.

What about STDs?

Horario de reabastecimiento para control de la natalidad:

Lunes, martes y jueves 
9am - 11am y 2pm - 4pm

Durante esos horarios sin cita previa, puede obtener su inyección de Depo, reabastecerse de píldoras o de aros vaginales. No necesita cita.

Solo Planificación Familiar [Family Planning Only]

Solo Planificación Familiar [Family Planning Only] es un programa financiado por el gobierno federal y estatal. Ofrece servicios de salud reproductiva (incluye el control de la natalidad gratuito) a mujeres y hombres en el estado de Washington.  En nuestra oficina podemos ayudarle a solicitar ese programa.

Para más información sobre solo planificación familiar solamente, visite Washington State Health Care Authority.


Llame al (360) 532-8631 y pida una cita o visítenos en nuestra oficina. ¡Con gusto contestaremos sus preguntas!

CLOSED: Request for Proposals for Emergency Department Based Peer Support Specialist

Guest User

As part of establishing a coordinated continuum of care, the County is interested in contracting with a qualified agency to perform peer support services for individuals in the emergency department. These individuals will have identified as having a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and will engage with the peer support specialist to establish connections from the hospital to harm reduction, treatment, social services, and other recovery services for people who use drugs.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Through the Embedding Peers in the Emergency Department project grant, Grays Harbor County is soliciting requests for proposals for the purpose of providing care coordination services to identified individuals in the emergency department at Summit Pacific Medical Center (SPMC).

Submittals accepted until May 4, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.

Read the full RFP here.

Questions and Answers

Q. For the 8-month duration, are you looking at having a multi-person rotation so that a peer is always at the medical center 24/7, regardless of current need? Or embedded office hours of 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday, with after-hours on-call capability when the need arises?
A. We have not completely finalized the staffing structure for the peers at this time, however, we are working with Summit to determine the hours that would be most impactful with a goal of having daily coverage for specified hours (likely 8-to-12-hour shifts depending on what is identified to be best).

CLOSED: Request for Proposals for Development of a Crisis Triage Model

Guest User

Grays Harbor County has issued a request for proposals (“RFP”) to interested and qualified agencies to develop a crisis triage model for Grays Harbor County. A maximum budget of $100,000 is available to fund successful proposal(s) via allocated funding from the County’s 1/10th of 1% Sales Tax (a.k.a. “Treatment Sales Tax”).

The County is seeking consulting services to produce a comprehensive crisis triage model that aligns with the findings of the recent behavioral health system gaps analysis and best suits the needs of the populations that we serve. The model must consider the current service availability in Grays Harbor County, siting of facility or facilities, potential service providers, local community engagement work, fiscal and sustainability planning, and design of integration with existing systems. The model will work to respond quickly to individuals in behavioral health crisis and refer them to the appropriate resources – minimizing barriers to entry and increasing positive short and long-term outcomes.

This RFP is intended for consultants with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully design a crisis triage model, describe how this model best suits Grays Harbor County, and address the gaps identified in the behavioral health system gaps analysis.

This RFP opens April 12, 2023, and all proposals are due no later than May 17, 2023, at 4:30 p.m.

Questions related to this application may be directed to: Jerry Rajcich, Community Health Specialist


Phone: (360) 660-6812

Read the entire RFP here.

CLOSED: Request for Proposals to Increase Access to Mental Health services in Grays Harbor County

Guest User

Grays Harbor County has issued a request for proposals (RFP) to interested and qualified agencies to increase access to mental health services in Grays Harbor County. A maximum budget of $1,000,000 is available to fund successful proposal(s).

The County is seeking proposals that can demonstrably increase access to mental health services and substance use disorders for all residents of Grays Harbor County in a way that addresses considerations and needs identified in the Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plan and the Behavioral Health Gap Analysis.

PROPOSALS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN 4:30 P.M. FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023. Click HERE for the full RFP.

Mental Health Request for Proposals Questions and Answers

Questions due by April 19 to

Q: Can funds from this RFP be used to cover out-of-pocket costs for treatment services for under-insured clients? It would be applied directly to the client balance at the agency level, not paid to the client.

A: If part of a successful/awarded proposal yes these would be allowable expenses.

Q. How long is the funding period?
A. There is no set funding period. The County expects contracts to be executed approximately July 2023, or that meaningful progress is made on contract negotiations/project finalization by October 2023.

Q. How many award recipients or grantees can be expected?
A. There is not a set number of awards or recipients. It will depend on the proposals received and the evaluation process, along with total budget.

Q: Is the RFP is only for mental health services, or does it include early intervention programs? Is the RFP accepting innovative programs for prevention? Are contractors and full-time employees contracted under the grant accepted in the budget?

A: The RFP is to improve access to mental health services. Contractors and full-time employees could be included in budget submitted with proposal.

Q: Can a for-profit entity apply?

A: Yes, so long as the contract/scope of work for awarded project includes actual, reasonable, and eligible expenses on a cost reimbursement basis.

Q: Is there a break-down of how much of the available funds will be invested in prevention, intervention, recovery supports, etc.?

A: No. Proposals will be evaluated based on their ability to demonstrate increased access to mental health services.

Q: Is there a limit/maximum funding request per application/proposal?

A: No. Proposals will be considered up to the maximum budget of the RFP – $1,000,000

Q: Is there specific data the County requires to be collected for successful projects?

A: No. Part of proposal narratives should outline metrics of success and how it will be measured/reported.

Q: Is the County seeking proposals to increase access to substance use services or only mental health services?

A: Proposals may include increased access to mental health and substance use services but must include increased access to mental health services as part of the proposal to be eligible.

Q: Is it required that services can begin July 1, 2023?

A: No. The County expects contracts to be fully executed by July 1, 2023 and/or meaningful progress made on project finalization by October 1, 2023. Services may begin after those dates.

Q: Can these funds serve non-Medicaid/uninsured individuals?

A: RCW 82.14.460 does not specify specific eligible or ineligible groups to receive behavioral health services funded by these dollars.

Q: Can funds be used to recruit necessary workforce?

A: Potentially. Proposals must outline a model to increase access to mental health services and all activities and expenses must be reasonable and allowable under that model.

Q: Can funds support implementation/startup costs?

A: Yes – assuming those costs are part of an approved model to increase access to mental health services and all activities and expenses are reasonable and allowable.

Q: Do you have a budget template agencies need to use?

A: No

Q: Is there a cap on administration costs?

A: No specific cap. Proposals will be evaluated on their overall model and determination activities and expenses are necessary, reasonable, and allowable.

Q: Will the resulting contracts be operated on a cost reimbursement basis? Are there limitations on how much of the contract can be billed/reimbursed up front?

A: Yes, contracts will be on a cost reimbursement basis for approved and actual expenses. There are no restrictions or requirements to ration funding requests other than the maximum contract budget. I.e. agencies can do the majority of the work up front, bill for, and be reimbursed for those expenses as long as it is within scope of work and budget of the contract and expenses have been incurred and paid by the contractor.

Q: Can these funds support direct services?

A: Yes, if those services can be demonstrated they cannot be covered under other fund sources like MCOs/BHASOs, other grants, etc.

Q: Do you have specific needs/subpopulations you are prioritizing?

A: No

Q: What is the review/award process?

A: An evaluation committee will review qualified proposals that meet the threshold criteria using the evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP. The committee may ask the proposing agencies to share additional information and/or be available for a question-and-answer forum. They will make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners who can accept, reject, or revise their recommendations. Public Health staff will work with apparently successful bidders to negotiate the terms of contracts and implement programs/projects.

Q: Will contracts be for one year?

A: There is not a specified time period for contracts that result from this RFP.

CLOSED: Early childhood services survey

Guest User

Have a child in your care age 0-5? Take a few minutes and complete the following survey to let us know what you think the child needs in its early developmental stage to give it the best chance for a healthy, happy life.

Access the survey here:

The data collected will be used in the development of our early childhood services gap analysis, identifying gaps and solutions in the early childhood systems in Grays Harbor County.

¿Tiene un niño bajo su cuidado de 0 a 5 años? Tómese unos minutos y complete la siguiente encuesta para hacernos saber qué cree que necesita el niño en su etapa temprana de desarrollo para darle la mejor oportunidad de tener una vida sana y feliz.

Acceda a la encuesta aquí:

Los datos recopilados se utilizarán en el desarrollo de nuestro análisis de brechas de servicios para la primera infancia, identificando brechas y soluciones en los sistemas de la primera infancia en el condado de Grays Harbor.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Bridge Access Program provides continued access to COVID-19 vaccines at no cost for the estimated 25-30 million adults who would have otherwise lost access now that these products have transitioned to the commercial market.

Under- and uninsured adults can now access COVID-19 vaccine via the Bridge Access Program, which includes partnership with CVS, Walgreens, other pharmacies across Washington and additional Adult Vaccine Providers. CDC's Bridge Access Program provides no-cost COVID-19 vaccines to adults without health insurance and adults whose insurance does not cover all COVID-19 vaccine costs. Get all the info at

No-cost COVID-19 vaccines through this program will be available until December 31, 2024, while supplies last. Updates to will be made in the coming weeks to include all pharmacy locations of the Bridge Access Program.

All children 18 years of age and under have access to COVID-19 vaccines via the Childhood Vaccine Program at no cost to the patient.

coronavirus blue.PNG

Have questions about COVID-19?

For vaccine, testing, isolation and quarantine, and other COVID-19 inquiries, contact the Washington State Department of Health COVID-19 hotline:

The Grays Harbor Public Health website and Facebook page - - will continue to update with the latest COVID-19 news and guidance as needed.

COVID-19 vaccinations for the homebound

COVID-19 vaccinations are available for those unable to travel. To access this service, contact us at 360-532-8631 or fill out the online Department of Health home-based vaccine request.

Click here for the state Department of Health’s COVID-19 vaccine information page.

COVID-19 Vaccine safety information:
Pre-vaccination screening checklist
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Possible side effects

Where can I get tested for COVID-19?

State directory of COVID-19 testing sites

Your personal physician, local clinic, or school district may have testing available. Check with them when other sources are unavailable.

At-home testing:

From the state: Program ends May 11.

At-home tests are also available at Timberland Regional Library branches.

Where can I get vaccinated?

What should I do if I was exposed?

Please follow the CDC's quarantine guidance available below:

What should I do if I tested positive?

Please follow the CDC's isolation guidance available below:

Where can I learn more about variants?

For the most updated information on variants visit DOH's COVID-19 Variants page.

What if someone doesn't have a safe place to isolate or quarantine?

If you need a safe location to isolate or quarantine, please contact the State COVID-19 Hotline at (800) 525-0127.

What happens during a disease investigation?

View an infographic that highlights how contact tracing works.

Download and print “COVID-19: What Is Contact Tracing?” infographic (English) (PDF)

Download and print “COVID-19: What Is Contact Tracing?” infographic (English) (PDF)

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19: Que es Rastreo de Contactos?” infografía (español) (PDF)

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19: Que es Rastreo de Contactos?” infografía (español) (PDF)


Visit In The News for the latest public health press releases, including COVID-19 information.

Homelessness Prevention Programs

Guest User

Emergency Rental Assistance scheduler opens April 4, 2023


Grays Harbor County (County) has issued a “Request for Proposals” to interested and qualified agencies to provide rental assistance and utility assistance to qualifying households for the time period of May 2023-June 2025. The purpose of this assistance is to attempt to prevent evictions. Applicants must provide a proposal and budget that covers how their agency will provide the noted deliverables for one or more of the available program areas under the Eviction Prevention program.

Public Service programs:

  • Rental and Utility Assistance and associated operational costs.

  • Support of outreach, communication, technical assistance, and/or provision of Rental and Utility Assistance to serve historically disadvantaged populations.

The request for proposal (RFP) is intended for community providers with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully deliver services to individuals who are at risk of homelessness and who are at or below 80% of the Area Median Income in a way that aligns with the Department of Commerce’s Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) guidelines.

This RFP formally opens on February 22nd, 2023 and closes on March 17th, 2023.

The full RFP can be found at:

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:

Grays Harbor County Public Health
Attn: Natali Burgess
2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA 98520

The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with EVICTION PREVENTION APPLICATION.

Applications and related materials must be received no later than March 17, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. to be considered. Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Any questions related to this application may be directed to:

Natali Burgess: Housing Program Coordinator
Phone: 360-500-4078


Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

Harbor Strong Coalition

Guest User

Home > Harbor Strong Coalition

Harbor Strong Coalition

The Harbor Strong Coalition’s mission is to prevent and reduce substance abuse and related problems to youth, adults, and families by providing leadership, education and community partnerships and promoting a healthy, positive lifestyle.

Grays Harbor County Public Health staff serve as the Harbor Strong Coalition Coordinator.

In efforts to expand community awareness regarding youth cannabis and commercial tobacco prevention efforts in our community, we have developed a bilingual community newsletter! . This newsletter will continue to be shared out on a quarterly basis.

English summer Newsletter

boletín de verano español

English Newsletter - April 2023

Spanish Newsletter - April 2023

CLOSED: Request for Proposals for Medication Lock Boxes

This RFP has closed.

Grays Harbor County has issued a “Request for Proposals” (RFP) for the intent of contracting with the lowest bidder to sell medication lock boxes to the County, to later be distributed through the Harbor Strong Coalition and MyTOWN Coalition. The qualified medication lock box supplier will be identified as having interlocking devices available for sale upon request of the County. The qualified supplier will be used to supply medication lock boxes, for a set rate per medication lock box, at a cost not to exceed $40,000 for one (1) year.

This RFP opens February 13, 2023. All applications are due by Tuesday, February 28, 2023 by 4:30pm Pacific Time.


CLICK HERE for the full Request for Proposals document and application.


For questions, please contact Haley Falley at

Questions and answers

Do lock boxes need to be individually packaged, or can they be bulk-packaged?
Lock boxes may be packaged individually or packaged in bulk.

Does the product have to be a medication lock box or a medication lock bag?
Grays Harbor County is accepting applications for all types of products that serve the purpose of locking medications securely.

What type of lock is needed for the product you are looking for?
Lockable products by way of a combination lock, key, or padlock are acceptable.

Approximately how many boxes do you expect to buy?

Grays Harbor County will purchase boxes based on the size, type, and cost of each product. This will be determined by the product proposed through the RFP and the cost to each product to not exceed $40,000 for the contract period.  

Would you want the quantity to be delivered in one release, or do you expect to make multiple smaller orders over the course of a year?

Funding priorities for the coalitions are subject to change. However, we will likely have a large purchase at the beginning of the contract in addition to multiple small orders over the course of the contract. Our coalitions would like to resupply as soon as possible.

Do you intend to select and order just one size, or do you foresee ordering a variety of sizes?

The size choices of the medication lock boxes will depend on what is proposed by the applicant, product availability, and by price breakdown. Our coalitions have purchased a variety of sizes of lock boxes in the past.

Must each box be keyed differently/uniquely, or can all boxes be keyed alike (meaning that the same key would open any box)? 

Our coalitions will not have the capacity to track key codes, keys, or other locking methods for the recipient of the medication lock boxes. The recipient of the product will be in charge of either setting their own key code or maintaining possession of their key or other device method.

COVID-19 Case Counts

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

CDC Community Levels, community transmission and more local data

The CDC updates its COVID-19 Community Level and other information each Thursday. Go to the COVID-19 by County page and choose Washington and Grays Harbor County from the dropdown menu for weekly local data updates.

Statewide and local data from the state Department of Health

The state Department of Health updates its COVID-19 data Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Go to the state Department of Health COVID-19 data dashboard and click on Grays Harbor County on the map for detailed case rates, vaccination rates and more.

Recuento de Casos por COVID-19

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Niveles comunitarios de CDC, transmisión comunitaria y más datos locales

El CDC actualiza su nivel comunitario COVID-19 y otra información cada jueves. Vaya a la página COVID-19 por condado y elija Washington y el condado de Grays Harbor en el menú desplegable para obtener actualizaciones de datos locales semanales.

Datos estatales y locales del Departamento de Salud del estado

El Departamento de Salud del estado actualiza sus datos de COVID-19 los lunes, miércoles y viernes. Vaya al panel de datos de COVID-19 del Departamento de Salud del estado y haga clic en el condado de Grays Harbor en el mapa para obtener tasas de casos detalladas, tasas de vacunación y más. Debajo de los mapas y gráficos hay una pestaña, Casos acumulados, Hospitalizaciones y Muertes, con esos datos.

Nuevo Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Si tiene preguntas sobre COVID-19, llame a la línea directa estatal de COVID-19.

Pruebas, tratamientos, aislamiento y cuarentena

¿Cuándo debe hacerse la prueba?

Si tiene síntomas de COVID-19 o ha estado expuesto a alguien que resultó positivo a COVID-19 y usted tiene síntomas, hágase la prueba de inmediato. Si ha estado expuesto y no tiene síntomas, hágase la prueba en el quinto día, después de haber sido expuesto.

¿Donde me pueden hacer una prueba por el COVID-19?

Abajo hay una lista de lugares en el área local que ofrecen pruebas COVID-19. Haga clic en la imagen para ver enlaces para citas.

Su doctor de cabecera, la clínica local o el distrito escolar pueden tener pruebas disponibles. Comuníquese con ellos cuando no haya otras fuentes.

Ordene sus auto pruebas en casa:

Del estado:

Del gobierno federal:

¿En dónde vacunarse?

Para encontrar otros lugares, visite este sitio:, y seleccione español.

¿Qué hacer si creo que tengo COVID-19 o estuve expuesto al COVID-19?

Por favor siga las recomendaciones del Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en inglés), para cuarentena:

¿Qué hacer si resulta positivo?

Por favor siga las recomendaciones del CDC para aislamiento:

¿Cuáles son los síntomas de COVID-19?

Las personas con COVID-19 han tenido una amplia variedad de síntomas conocidos desde síntomas leves hasta enfermedades graves. Los síntomas pueden aparecer de 2 a 14 días después de haber estado expuesto al virus. Cualquier persona puede tener síntomas leves a graves. El CDC continuará actualizando esta lista cuando se sepa más sobre COVID-19. Los adultos mayores y las personas que tienen alguna condición médica subyacente como enfermedades del corazón, de los pulmones o diabetes parecen tener mayor riesgo para desarrollar complicaciones de enfermedades COVID-19.


¿Qué hacer si resultó positivo al hacerse una prueba casera?

Las personas que compran sin receta los paquetes de pruebas caseras y resulta positivo, debe llamar de inmediato a la línea COVID-19 del estado 1-800-525-0127, marque el símbolo # y luego el 2 para español.

El horario de la línea COVID-19 es: Los lunes de 6 a.m. a 10 p.m., y de martes a domingo (excepto días festivos) de 6 a.m. a 6 p.m.

¿Qué pasa si alguien no tiene un lugar seguro para su propio aislamiento o cuarentena?

Si necesita un lugar seguro para aislarse o para una cuarentena, llame a la línea directa estatal de COVID-19 al 1-800-525-0127. El investigador le hará una serie de preguntas para entender lo que necesita y para solicitar apoyo para su estancia.

Nuestra respuesta

  • Actualizaciones sobre nuestra respuesta al COVID-19, se puede encontrar en nuestro sitio web

  • Por favor vea la página de referencia para COVID-19  de salud pública para los proveedores de servicios, negocios y otros similares.

Más información - COVID-19, a continuación

Cuidándose a uno mismo en forma completa

Cuídese a sí mismo completamente

El sentir miedo, ansiedad o depresión es algo común durante los tiempos de incertidumbre, lo que incluye la situación actual por el COVID-19. Miedo y ansiedad sobre la enfermedad puede ser abrumadora y puede causar fuertes emociones. Abajo hay algunos herramientas y recursos que ayudan a las personas a sobrellevar el estrés y apoyar su bienestar emocional. Al cuidarse así mismo y a otras personas, ayudará a que usted, las personas queridas y su comunidad se fortalezcan.

Vea estos recursos [en español] que le ayudarán al bienestar de su salud mental y a la de sus seres queridos:

Si se siente tan apesadumbrado que es difícil sobrellevar el día, llame a su doctor, o a su terapista o proveedor de salud mental para programar una cita por telemedicina. Y si usted está en crisis, no dude en llamar la Línea Telefónica para Crisis al 866-427-4747 y pida español, o envíe un texto al número 744741 y escriba HEAL/AYUDA, para conectarse con consejería entrenada en crisis, puede hacerlo a cualquier hora, de noche o de día.

Casos confirmados y el proceso de investigación de la enfermedad

¿Qué pasa durante una investigación de la enfermedad? ¿Cómo saber si estuve expuesto a un caso confirmado?

  • Cuando se nos notifica de un caso confirmado de COVID-19, comenzamos nuestro proceso de investigación.
  • Trabajamos con el paciente y/o sus representantes para entender (1) dónde y cómo pueden haber sido infectados y (2) a quien pudieron haber expuesto cuando ya estaban contagiosos.
  • Preguntaremos al paciente los nombres y datos para comunicarnos de las personas con las que tuvieron contacto cercano. Le preguntaremos al paciente a dónde fueron, incluyendo cualquier tiempo que hayan estado en lugares públicos.
  • Si nos enteramos de que muchas personas en la comunidad fueron expuestas, y no podemos contactar a cada una de ellas, entonces notificaremos a las personas publicándolo en periódico y en otros medios informativos.
  • El proceso de investigación de las enfermedades puede tomar unas cuantas horas o pocos días, dependiendo del número de personas con las que el paciente haya tenido contacto.

Vea la infografía que resalte cómo funciona el rastreo de contactos.

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19: Que es Rastreo de Contactos?” infografía (español) (PDF)

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19: Que es Rastreo de Contactos?” infografía (español) (PDF)

Download and print “COVID-19: What Is Contact Tracing?” infographic (English) (PDF)

Download and print “COVID-19: What Is Contact Tracing?” infographic (English) (PDF)


Para obtener más información sobre cómo es una entrevista de rastreo de contactos, consulte:

¿Qué información compartirá Salud Pública del Condado Grays Harbor sobre las personas con casos confirmados de COVID-19?

A la Salud Pública, por ley se le requiere salvaguardar la información de salud. La información que se obtenga durante una investigación de enfermedades es Información Protegida de Salud (PHI) está protegida por Portabilidad y Protección de Seguro de Salud (HIPAA), Acta de 1996. Esa ley aplica durante una pandemia como la de COVID-19.

Por favor muestre comparación y apoyo a la persona que esté enferma.

  • Respete el derecho a su privacidad.
  • Recuerde que lo que ponga en los medios sociales puede ser dañina para quienes se ven afectados por COVID-19.
Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19 Rastreo de Contactos: Que me Preguntarán?” hoja informativa (español) (PDF)

Descargar e imprimir “COVID-19 Rastreo de Contactos: Que me Preguntarán?” hoja informativa (español) (PDF)

Download and print “COVID-19 Contact Tracing: What Will They Ask Me?” Information Sheet from DOH (English) (PDF)

Download and print “COVID-19 Contact Tracing: What Will They Ask Me?” Information Sheet from DOH (English) (PDF)


¿Qué hacer si veo a un negocio o algún establecimiento que ignora la orden del gobernador “¿Quédese en Casa, Quédese Sano”?

● El estado tiene un formulario en línea para reportar a los negocios que potencialmente estén infringiendo esa orden.

● El formulario está en

● Las quejas sobre los grupos de personas infringiendo la orden, deben de hacerse a la policía local.

Comuníquese directamente a la oficina del departamento de policía, no llame al 911 para reportar reuniones.

Soy un dueño de negocio y tengo preguntas.

El Gobernador del Estado de Washington, Jay Inslee, ha expedido material orientativo para negocios esenciales. Por favor visite

Si está buscando orientación de salud pública e información sobre cómo reabrir su lugar de trabajo, visite los recursos enumerados en "Lugar de trabajo y empleados" en nuestra página de orientación de COVID-19 en

Si es un dueño u operador de negocios y tiene preguntas, puede enviar preguntas al estado, en línea:

El mandato de máscaras extendido, conocido como Mask Up, Washington, entró en vigor el 7 de julio de 2020. Bajo esta proclamación, las empresas no podrán servir a ningún cliente, servicio o mercancía si no cumplen con la orden de cobertura de la cara de todo el estado.

Soy un empleado y tengo preocupaciones sobre mi salud y seguridad en el trabajo.

Las quejas de salud y seguridad de los empleados pueden presentarse al centro de llamadas de la División de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (DOSH por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Labor e Industrias (L&I por sus siglas en inglés) del estado de Washington al (800) 423-7233 o por correo electrónico a

Información en general sobre el coronavirus – COVID-19

¿Qué es la propagación del nuevo coronavirus (COVID19)?

• El nuevo coronavirus es una cepa de virus que sólo se ha propagado en las personas desde diciembre de 2019. Los expertos en salud están preocupados porque se sabe poco sobre este nuevo virus y como es nuevo, nadie tiene inmunidad.

• El virus tiene el potencial de causar enfermedades graves y neumonía en algunas personas, incluyendo adultos de 60 años o más, personas embarazadas, personas que tienen condiciones médicas crónicas graves como enfermedades del corazón, pulmón o riñón, y personas con un sistema inmunológico debilitado.

• La enfermedad que este nuevo coronavirus puede causar se llama COVID-19.

¿Cómo se propaga el COVID-19?

Como otros coronavirus, el nuevo coronavirus se propaga de una persona infectada a otra mediante:

  • El aire, al toser y estornudar.
  • El contacto cercano a una persona, como tocarla o darle la mano.
  • Cuando toca un objeto o superficie que tiene el virus y luego se tocar la boca, la nariz o los ojos.
  • En casos raros, el contacto con las heces (popó).

¿Qué tan grave es COVID 19?

• La mayoría de las personas con COVID 19, tienen una enfermedad leve y no necesitarán atención médica.

• Algunas personas corren el riesgo de enfermarse gravemente

• Las personas que corren un mayor riesgo de padecer una enfermedad grave incluyen a:

  • Los adultos de 60 años de edad y más.
  • Las personas embarazadas/gestando.
  • Las personas que tienen condiciones médicas crónicas graves como enfermedades del corazón, pulmón o riñón.
  • Las personas con un sistema inmunológico debilitado.

¿Cuáles son los síntomas?

Los síntomas notificados por personas con COVID-19 varían desde aquellos que presentan síntomas leves hasta quienes se enferman gravemente. Los síntomas pueden aparecer en tan sólo 2 días o hasta 14 días después de la exposición al virus. Para obtener una lista completa de los síntomas, visite el sitio web del CDC.

¿Cómo puedo evitar contraer el COVID 19?

  • Practique el distanciamiento físico manteniéndose a seis pies de otras personas.

  • Lávese las manos a menudo con agua y jabón. Si no se puede lavarse las manos, use un desinfectante de manos con al menos un 60% de alcohol.

  • Evite tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la cara.

  • Llevar una cubierta de tela de la cara cuando fuera en público

  • Evite el contacto con personas enfermas.

  • Limpie las superficies y los objetos que se tocan con frecuencia (como las perillas de las puertas y los interruptores de la luz). Los productos de limpieza estándar son eficaces. Una solución fresca de 10% de cloro/agua (1 parte de cloro por 9 partes de agua) matará los virus respiratorios.

• Si viaja al extranjero, siga la recomendación del CDC:

• Actualmente, no hay ninguna vacuna disponible para prevenir las nuevas infecciones de coronavirus.

¿Debo usar una cubreboca?

El Gobernador Jay Inslee y el Secretario de Salud, John Wiesman, tuvieron una conferencia de prensa este 24 de junio, para anunciar una nueva orden para todo el estado, que requiere el uso de cubrebocas. La orden entra en vigor el 26 de junio, que requiere a las personas [en el estado de Washington] el utilizar cubreboca cuando estén en el interior de espacios públicos como en las tiendas, oficinas y restaurantes. La orden requiere también cubre caras cuando estén afuera al aire libre y no puedan estar a 6 pies de retirado de otras personas. Puede ver la conferencia de prensa [en inglés] en

Más recientemente, el jueves 2 de julio de 2020, el gobernador Jay Inslee y el Secretario de Salud del Estado de Washington, el Dr. John Weismen, extendieron el mandato de máscara inicialmente colocado en el condado de Yakima a todo el estado de Washington. Este mandato, conocido como Mask Up, Washington, entra en vigor el 7 de julio de 2020. Bajo esta proclamación, las empresas no podrán servir a ningún cliente, servicio o mercancía si no cumplen con la orden de cobertura de la cara de todo el estado.

Hay excepciones que incluyen a las personas con ciertas discapacidades o condiciones de salud, las personas que son sordas o que tengan dificultades auditivas, y niños menores de 5 años (sin embargo, motivamos a que los niños de 3 a 5 años utilicen cubrecaras, de ser posible).

También hay situaciones en las que las personas se pueden quitar el cubrebocas, como cuando ya están sentados en un restaurante o cuando está solo divirtiéndose. Las personas no necesitan utilizar cubreboca en su casa, cuando están únicamente con las personas de su hogar, estando solo usted en su automóvil o cuando se está divirtiendo usted solo y las personas están alejadas aparte.

La página del estado sobre cubrecaras y la del Departamento de Salud continuaran actualizando con más información.

Para obtener consejos sobre cómo lavar las cubiertas de tela para la cara, visite Disponible en varios idiomas.

Por favor recuerde:

  • Podrías contagiar COVID-19 a otras personas incluso si no te sientes mal.
  • Las cubiertas faciales no deben colocarse en niños pequeños menores de 2 años, a cualquier persona que tenga problemas para respirar, o que esté inconsciente, incapacitada o que no pueda quitar la máscara sin ayuda.
  • La cobertura de tela sobre la cara es para proteger a la otra persona, en caso de que usted esté infectado.
  • NO utilice una mascarilla que deba ser para los trabajadores de la salud.
  • Continúe manteniendo una distancia de 6 pies entre usted y la otra persona. La cobertura de tela sobre la cara no es un sustituto de distanciamiento social.
Descarg hoja informativa sobre COVID-19 en español (PDF)

Descarg hoja informativa sobre COVID-19 en español (PDF)


Como ayudar

¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarme a mí mismo y a mi comunidad?

• Hable con sus vecinos y haga un plan de cómo pueden ayudarse mutuamente, como por ejemplo para hacer entrega de suministros.

• Mantenga la distancia física pero no la emocional. ¡Dígales a sus seres queridos que los ama! Envíe un mensaje de texto, haga una llamada telefónica o un video chat, eso hace la diferencia. ¡Mantenga una conexión fuerte con sus contactos!

• Practique la compasión. Acuérdese de tener compasión para sí mismo. Estamos pasando momentos estresantes, por los cambios a los eventos que esperábamos, por el impacto fuerte del trabajo por los cierres, por la preocupación de nuestra salud y la de nuestros seres queridos. Tómese un minuto para respirar. ¡Está haciendo lo mejor que se puede!

¿Dónde puedo ofrecerme como voluntario para apoyar los esfuerzos de respuesta ante el COVID 19?

• Visite la página de oportunidades del departamento de Salud Pública de Grays Harbor Grays Harbor Public Health's Volunteer Opportunities para aprender más y enviar su información.

• Si usted es un profesional de la salud, por favor también complete y presente la solicitud “Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Application” del Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington. La solicitud, la información adicional y las preguntas más frecuentes están disponibles en la página web Washington State Department of Health COVID-19 website.

• Los voluntarios también deben considerar la posibilidad de inscribirse en otras organizaciones de voluntarios de la comunidad que realizan una labor importante para servir a familias, amigos y vecinos, como la Cruz Roja Americana American Red Cross

Padres y cuidadores

¿Cómo se puede ayudar a los niños con los cambios como los cierres de escuela?

Pregúnteles a los niños como se sienten acerca del cierre de escuelas.

  • Los estudiantes pueden tener sentimientos muy fuertes y hasta conflictos sobre los cierres de escuelas. ¡Solo escúchelos!

Anime a sus niños a mantener comunicación con sus amigos. ¿Pueden ellos enviar textos o llamar a sus amigos? ¿Pueden utilizar aplicaciones por internet como Skype, para conectarse con un amigo menor o un primo y leerles un libro? El leerles a niños más pequeños es un buen aprendizaje para ambos; el lector y para el niño a quien le estén leyendo.

Entendiendo la información básica sobre COVID-19.

  • Si los niños le hacen una pregunta, reconfórtelos y dígales la verdad – si usted no sabe la respuesta dígales eso.

Ayude a los niños a sobrellevar el estrés.

  • Enséñeles a los niños como protegerse ellos mismos y a sus seres queridos contra la enfermedad.
  • Motive a sus niños a hablar de cómo se sienten cuando escuchan que algunas personas tienen mayor riesgo de contraer el COVID-19. Ellos pueden estar preocupados de sus seres queridos como sus abuelos. Ayúdeles a mantener la comunicación con ellos, por texto, llamadas o conversando por video.
  • Recuerde, los niños reaccionan diferente al estrés. Tenga paciencia y comprensión.
  • Para algunos niños, el cambio de rutina puede ser difícil. Ayúdeles al crear una nueva rutina, hagan algo, aunque sea una sola cosita, que sea lo mismo cada día.

Cuídese usted también.

  • Vea las cosas en perspectiva. Puede ser que quiera mantenerse al día con las noticias del brote, pero impóngase un límite de tiempo para leer o ver las noticias sobre el tema.
  • Manténgase saludable. Beba bastante agua, haga suficiente ejercicio, duerma, descanse y evite excesos de cafeína, tabaco y el alcohol.
  • Relaje el cuerpo. Respire profundo, estírese y tenga actividades divertidas.
  • Hable con sus seres queridos sobre sus sentimientos y manténgase en comunicación. Un texto, una llamada por teléfono, o una conversación por video hará la diferencia. ¡Mantenga su distancia físicamente pero, no emocionalmente!

Encuentre formas de ayuda mutua.

  • Hable con sus amigos y vecinos sobre cómo puede ayudarse mutuamente. Por ejemplo, dejarle compras o comida para llevar, en la puerta del vecino.
  • Considere que sí hay la opción para el cuidado de niños. Trate de no confiar en personas (como en aquellas personas mayores de 60 años o si tienen alguna condición de salud subyacente), que son las personas con alto riesgo de contraer la enfermedad COVID-19.
  • Compre únicamente lo que usted necesita. Es importante que las personas con un alto riesgo a COVID-19 reduzcan, el mayor tiempo posible el tiempo que pasan entre las multitudes. Al dejar que haya abasto suficientes cosas como papel del baño, jabón y comida enlatada, esas personas podrán obtener los suministros que necesitan en un solo viaje en vez de varios. Eso les ayudará, y todos en nuestra comunidad nos mantendremos saludables.

¿Dónde podemos encontrar más información sobre los cierres de escuelas?

  • La Oficina del Superintendente de Instrucción Publica [Super Intendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)] En esa página vaya hasta abajo, seleccione español y luego busque la sección “Para Estudiantes y Familias”.

Otros recursos útiles


Más información

Para más información

Sitio web Respuesta Coronavirus del estado de Washington ( El sitio oficial COVID-19 del estado de Washington lo mantiene el centro de información conjunta.

Sitio web Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington ( Actualización del conteo de casos COVID-19 en todo el estado

• Centro de llamadas del Estado de Washington 1-(800) 525-0127 o enviar un texto “coronavirus” al 211 211 Para preguntas de lo que está pasando en Washington y cómo se propaga el virus

Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) ( y seleccione español) Información en general sobre COVID-19, guia para proveedores para el cuidado de la salud, negocios, guarderías de niños, organizaciones comunitarias, y otras

Sitio del gobernador del estado de Washington ( -19-resources) Enlaces a recursos COVID-19 de agencias estatales de Washington, proclamación estatal (cierre de escuelas, restaurantes).

Guiding Good Choices

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

What is Guiding Good Choices?

Guiding Good Choices emphasizes strong family bonds as the key that motivates preteens to follow family guidelines and stay on course toward better health and educational outcomes as teenagers.

In five or six sessions, parents and caregivers learn specific actions that promote healthy development and reduce risky behaviors in the teen years. Home practice and weekly family  meetings build family connections and help families apply skills in real life.

To register click the link:

Questions? Call 360-532-8631 ext.4354

Veterans' resources

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Veterans' resources

Veterans Relief Fund Ombudsman/Dedicated Service Officer

Gwyn Tarrence has been selected as your Veterans Relief Fund Ombudsman.

Tarrence is a Marine Corps veteran with a long history of service to her fellow veterans. She is currently the commander of American Legion Post 5 in Aberdeen, taking the post initially in 2011. Tarrence is a veterans service officer, operating through the Veterans Connections Cafe in Westport and through Stafford Creek Corrections Center.

As your Ombudsman, she is available to help you navigate the benefits the Veterans Relief Fund has to offer. Contact her at 360-660-2640 or

Gwyn Tarrence

veterans resources

Veterans' Advisory Board

The Grays Harbor County Veterans' Advisory Board was established by Grays Harbor County Resolution 2005-65. The board provides advice to the Grays Harbor County Board of County Commissioners on the needs of local indigent veterans.

The Veterans' Advisory Board meets on the first Wednesday of March, June, September, and December at 2pm in the Commissioners' office located at 100 West Broadway, Suite #1 in Montesano, WA.

For more information about Veterans' Advisory Board meetings and materials contact (360) 500-4069 or

Veterans' Relief Fund

The Revised Code of Washington (RCW 73.08) requires all 39 counties to establish a Veterans' Relief Fund.

The Veterans' Relief Fund may be able to help with rent, utilities, food, and other needs.

This is a fund of last resort and in no way can it be construed as a veteran's benefit. 

All applications must be filed with local service officers at veteran support organizations.  Please contact your local service officer to discuss making an application.

To apply for assistance from Grays Harbor County Veterans' Relief Fund, you must have been honorably discharged, have been a resident of Grays Harbor County for at least 6 months, and have income below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.

When contacting service officers, it may be helpful to bring:

  • a copy of your DD-214

  • proof of residency

  • proof of income

  • any shut-off or eviction notices requiring payment

If you are denied assistance or feel that you have been discriminated against, you have the right to file an appeal and request that a full explanation of the reasons why you were denied assistance be put in writing.

Service officer contact information

Amvets Post 1926

315 S Main Street
Montesano, WA 98563
(360) 249-3644

Veterans of Foreign Wars Henry L. Robb Post 1135

407 Seventh Street
Hoquiam, WA 98550
(360) 532-0510

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2455

315 S Main Street
Montesano, WA 98563
(360) 249-3644

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5564

156 N Summit Road
McCleary, WA 98557
(360) 470-2387

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8956

953 Trent Ct SE
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
(360) 591-7595

Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Chapter #512

Ocean Shores, WA 98563
(360) 940-9008

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 224

112 W First Street
Aberdeen, WA 98520
(360) 533-1338

American Legion Post 5

112 W 1st Street
Aberdeen WA 98520
(360) 580-0561

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1948

Elma Grange
401 Waldrip Street
Elma, WA 98541
(360) 482-6161

American Legion Post 140

211 E Pacific Avenue
Westport WA 98595
(928) 636-4515

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3057

211 E Pacific Avenue
Westport, WA 98595
(360) 268-9543

Veteran’s Advisory Board Members:

Vice Chair - Mike Harris:

Chair - Bill Wickwire:

Reese Wade:

Kenji Seta:

Russ Russell:

Board of County Commissioner representative - Jill Warne:

Additional resources for Veterans

A study conducted by NIH (National Institute of Health) found that veterans are twice as likely to develop dementia. Aside from the normal aging process, traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder make veterans more vulnerable to dementia than the general population.

To help veterans and their families, created a guide to memory care for veterans. This resource goes over dementia in detail and shares treatment options as well as available VA programs and resources.

You can view the guide here:

Quitting Tobacco

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Quitting tobacco is a great way to improve your health. You have probably heard about the harms of tobacco use and the benefits of quitting smoking, but did you know that your body starts to heal just minutes after your last cigarette?

Of course, nothing worthwhile is easy; it can be hard to quit because nicotine, a chemical in tobacco and many e-cigarettes/vapes, is very addictive – similar to cocaine and heroin. It can take several tries to quit for good, but the more times you try to quit, the more likely you are to succeed on your next try. So, remember: Never quit quitting.

The more times you try to quit, the more likely you are to succeed on your next try.
— Washington State Department of Health

Vaping, or use of e-cigarettes, is not a proven way to quit tobacco. In fact, e-cigarettes with nicotine are tobacco products, so if you vape nicotine, you are still using tobacco. Most people who try to quit smoking with e-cigarettes are not able to completely switch to them, which – according to the U.S. Surgeon General – is the only way to achieve the health benefits of quitting smoking. And, even people who can completely switch are often still addicted to the nicotine, and e-cigarettes are not safe.

Smoking and vaping are expensive, so save your money and rely on free, proven quitting methods, including counseling and FDA-approved medication.

Free Help Quitting Now

You can quit for free. Ask your health care provider about quitting or choose from these free programs to help you quit and stay quit.

Washington State Quitline

Since 2000, the Washington State Quitline has helped tens of thousands of Washingtonians quit smoking. You can get free, confidential, one-on-one counseling from a Quit Coach, and may be eligible for free medication to help you quit smoking, vaping, or other tobacco. Register by:

  • Calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669);

  • Visiting; or

  • Texting READY to 200-400.

Not ready just yet? Click here to learn more about the Quitline and other counseling options.

2Morrow Health smartphone app

2Morrow Health is a free, anonymous, self-guided app-based program that teaches you how to deal with unhelpful thoughts, urges, and cravings caused by nicotine. You can create a profile, select a quit date, and track your progress in quitting vaping, smoking, or other tobacco use.

2Morrow’s app-based, smoking-cessation therapy has demonstrated effectiveness in randomized clinical trials and is two to three times more effective than unaided smoking cessation.
— Harvard Business Review

Request for Proposals Community Health

Guest User


Request for Proposals for Early Childhood Support System Gaps Analysis

Submitter list:
Health Management Associates, Inc. - submitted 12/15/2022

Grays Harbor County has issued a request for proposals (“RFP”) to interested and qualified agencies to provide an early childhood support system gaps analysis. The County is seeking consulting services to produce an early childhood support system gaps analysis that will identify strengths/weaknesses and aid in the strategic planning and development of early childhood programs and services aimed at improving the health of our communities and meeting the populations’ needs that we serve. The gaps analysis report and prioritization process shall build on existing data, system maps, community conversations, etc. whenever possible. The gaps analysis will provide concise, reliable information about the needs, current service system, and opportunities to improve services among Grays Harbor County’s children ages birth to 5 years old.   

This RFP opens December 1st, 2022 and all proposals are due no later than December 16th at 4:30 p.m.

The full Request for Proposals document/application instructions can be found here.

Questions contact Erin Schreiber,

CLOSED Request for Proposals - Behavioral Health Gaps Analysis

Grays Harbor County has issued a request for proposals (“RFP”) to interested and qualified agencies to provide a behavioral health system gaps analysis. The County is seeking consulting services to produce a behavioral health system gaps analysis that will aid in the strategic planning and development of behavioral health programs and services aimed at improving the health of our communities and meeting the populations’ needs that we serve. The gaps analysis report and prioritization process shall build on existing data, system maps, community conversations, etc. whenever possible. The gaps analysis shall include all components on the service continuum including but not limited to prevention, outpatient, inpatient, and crisis services.

The Request for Proposals will open April 20th and proposals are due no later than May 18th at 4:30 p.m.

The full Request for Proposals document/application instructions can be found here.

Any questions please contact Cassie Lentz at

Questions and Answers:

Question: Is there any flexibility on the 3-month timeline (7/1--9/30) for delivery of services? Could the duration be extended?

Answer: This is the timeline approved by the Board of County Commissioners.

Question: Our headquarter are in another state and we do not have a Washington State business license per se. Does this preclude us from consideration? Are you specifically seeking a local vendor?

Answer: Relevant credentials refers to the ability to do business and receive payment in the state of Washington. We require contractors to complete a W9 and set up a vendor account with the County to receive payment – the vendor must be able to submit all necessary information. The RFP does not include a preference or requirement for local vendors.

Question: The application components include “the Summary Pages of the most recently completed Independent Audit Letter showing significant findings and issues and, as appropriate, evidence of adequate responses to findings and issues identified. “ While we are in good financial standing, as a young small business we have not had an independent audit. Again, does this preclude us from consideration?

Answer:  If you do not have an independent audit please submit documentation of your agency’s good financial standing, including any relevant fiscal policies and procedures related to quality assurance.

Question: Are stakeholders prepared to share cost information?

Answer: Grays Harbor County can point the contractor to known data sources and/or stakeholders who could provide this cost information. We cannot guarantee stakeholders can or will share specific cost information. Where specific cost information is not available reasonable estimates would be acceptable for the purpose of this analysis.

Question: What data and from whom will be available for this work?

Answer: Grays Harbor County Public Health will disclose data in its possession provided that such disclosure is necessary to achieve the project’s goals and complies with applicable confidentiality and data security requirements. We are not requesting new primary research be completed, only analysis of existing data and information.

Question: Our agency performs work on rate basis rather than a cost reimbursement basis. Will a proposal be excluded if the vendor does not have the capacity to operate the program on a cost-reimbursement basis?

Answer: Yes – the County must reimburse for expenses incurred and cannot pay for services in advance.

Question: Under Part 3. Proposal Components, you require we submit Summary Pages of our internal audit. As a privately held organization, our firm considers our audited financial statements to be confidential and would not want these statements to become public record. Would you accept a written summary of our financial status or our latest Dun & Bradstreet report as evidence of our financial stability?

Answer: All proposal responses will be considered public record and applications must be complete and include required components. We are requesting documentation that there has been an independent audit completed and it did not identify any significant findings, or if findings were identified they have been remedied. We are not requiring financial statements and/or balance sheets.

Question: Will Gray’s Harbor Public Health be sharing data with the firm who is conducting the Gap analysis?

Answer: Grays Harbor County Public Health will disclose data in its possession provided that such disclosure is necessary to achieve the project’s goals and complies with applicable confidentiality and data security requirements.

Question: What data are available from Grays Harbor County Public Health and at what geographic level?

Answer: This question is too broad – please clarify.

Question: Does Gray Harbor County Public Health have a full list of BH providers, including address?

Answer: This is information GHPH can provide to successful contractors.


Grays Harbor County (GHC) has issued a “Request for Proposals” to interested and qualified agencies to develop a Community Health Assessment (CHA) and a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). GHC is seeking consulting services to produce a CHA and CHIP that will aid in the strategic planning and development of public health programs and services aimed at improving the health of our communities and meeting the populations’ needs that we serve. The key functions of such a CHA includes:

A. Obtaining statistically valid information on the health status and socioeconomic/environmental factors related to the health of residents in the service area and surrounding neighborhoods.

B. Supplementation of the general population survey data currently available to us as an organization.

C. Ensuring community members, including those within a broad based

racial/ethnic/cultural/gender identity/sexual orientation/veteran status and linguistic minority group, are primary participants in the health assessment survey process. In addition, board members and health center staff, as well as educators, health-related professionals, local government, human service and community-based organizations, institutes of higher learning, and the private sector will be engaged at some level of the survey process. The survey process shall include stakeholder interviews and focus groups, as well as written survey responses.

D. Development of accurate comparisons to the state and national baseline of health measures utilizing the most current validated data.

E. Utilization of data obtained from the assessment to address the identified health needs of our service area.

This RFP is intended for providers with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully deliver a CHA and a CHIP. The RFP will open July 8, 2021 and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. August 31, 2021. Priority will be given to programs who can demonstrate capacity and procedures are in place to prioritize the completion of this project.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process. This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal. Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. Successful applicants will work with Grays Harbor County staff to negotiate formal contracts with specific deliverables, timelines, and outcomes. Contracts may be structured to offer an opportunity to evaluate and revise as necessary after the initial twelve-month period of the agreement.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person to:

Grays Harbor County Public Health and Social Services

Attn: Mike McNickle

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Full Request for Proposals document can be found here.

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Sexual and Reproductive Health

We believe in reproductive health care for everyone.

Services offered to ALL people that have the ability to reproduce whether they desire to become pregnant or to become a parent.

Spanish and English speaking staff - hablamos español.

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Your Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic staff is ready to serve all your reproductive health care needs. We accept Apple Health, private insurance, and offer a sliding fee schedule for all of our services.
Front row from left: Erica, Jeannie, Lupe, and Lizette.
Back row from left: Kim, Debby,
Lenka - Clinician, and Lisa.
Click on name for bio and contact information *

High quality health care that meets national standards

Birth control:
All types of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC’s) available

  • Arm implant-Nexplanon, contraception for up to 5 years

  • Non-hormonal IUD-Paragard, contraception for up to 12 years

  • Hormonal IUD’s: Mirena and Liletta, contraception for up to 7 years; and Kyleena, contraception for up to 5 years

Medroxyprogesterone injections - contraception for up to 3 months

Many different CHC-Combine hormonal pills, taken daily

POP-progesterone only pill, taken daily

Vaginal Ring-Nuvaring, changing monthly

Patch-Xulane, changing weekly

EC-emergency contraception

  • Paragard IUD- up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse

  • Plan B and Ella- up to 3-5 days after unprotected intercourse


Fertility Awareness Method

Women’s Health as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health visit

Preventative care related to Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Blood pressure check

  • Breast exam and referral for mammograms

  • Pap smear

  • Smoking cessation

  • STI screen

  • Vaccination

Health concerns related to Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Breast

  • Hormonal

  • Lesions on genital area

  • Menstrual

  • Vaginal

  • Urinary

Pregnancy testing, confirmation, option counseling, referrals

Preconception counseling

Men’s Health as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Visit

Preventative care related to Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Blood pressure check

  • Smoking cessation

  • STI screen

  • Vaccination

Health concerns related to Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Burning during urination, ejaculation

  • Discharge

  • Lesions

STI - Sexually Transmitted Infections as part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health visit


  • HIV, rapid HIV, Syphilis

  • Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis



Convenient and Confidential Health Care


  • Same day appointments

  • Initiating birth control that day, including most LARC’s if appropriate

  • Walk-in clinic for refills, vaccinations and STI treatment for established patients

Walk-in clinic hours:
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.

Appointment hours:
8 a.m.-noon and 12:30-4:30 p.m.

Getting birth control in-clinic, no need to visit pharmacy with Apple Health, Medicaid


  • Health care for every budget

  • Most insurances accepted, please check if we are in your network. We do not accept Medicare.

  • Sliding fee scale and payment plans.

Help with application for FPO (Family Planning Only) Medicaid

  • This coverage is available for non-citizens and citizens who make less than 150% FPL up to 250% FPL and are uninsured.

Confidential per RCW 9.02.100(2): Minors may obtain or refuse birth control services at any age without the consent of a parent or guardian.

What about STDs?

Birth control refill hours:

Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
9am - 11am & 2pm - 4pm

You can get your Depo shot, pill refill, or ring refill during these walk-in times. No appointment is needed.

Family Planning Only (formerly known as Take Charge)

Family Planning Only is a state- and federally-funded program. It provides reproductive health care services (including free birth control) to women and men in Washington state.  You can apply for this program at our office.

For more information about Family Planning Only, visit Washington State Health Care Authority.


Call (360) 532-8631 and request an appointment or visit our office.  We are happy to answer your questions!

Community Development Block Grant

Guest User

Information for May 24th Community Development Block Grant Public Services Hearing

Grays Harbor County (“County”) is will be holding a hearing to proceed with this year’s application for a new contract for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Services grant through Coastal Community Action Program targeting low and moderate-income persons in Grays Harbor and Pacific counties. The hearing will be at 10 a.m. on May 24th, 2022 via zoom. Zoom link information will be posted at

The hearing will review an overview of the CDBG Public Services activities funded during the current fiscal year and proposed activities under the application for funding in the next fiscal year.

The deadline for the Department of Commerce to receive applications for 2022-23 is May, 31st, 2022.

Questions, comments, requests for access to the materials in a language other than English, and/or special accommodations during the public hearing please contact Natali Burgess at

  • Report/summary of funded activities for the 2021-22 Fiscal Year

Grays Harbor County has received funding through the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus 1 (CDBG CV1) to provide a variety of types of assistance in the community for low and moderate income residents impacted by COVID-19. The County has two open funding opportunities for eligible agencies to submit proposals and documentation of experience and capacity to apply these funds.

CLOSED - Request for Proposals

Grays Harbor County has issued a “Request for Proposals” to interested and qualified agencies. Applicants must provide a proposal and budget that covers how their agency will provide the noted deliverables for one or more of the available program areas under the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CV1):

Public Service programs:

·         Mortgage assistance

·         Rental assistance

·         Utility Assistance

·         Security deposits and rental subsidies for clients exiting isolation/quarantine facility

The RFP will open December 17, 2020 and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. January 4, 2021. The County reserves the rights to reject any proposal that is incomplete or does not meet the requisite qualifications or to recommend contract amounts less than the maximum budget. This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. 

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Cassie Lentz

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Applications and related materials must be received no later than January 4 at 4:30 p.m. to be considered. The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with CDBG CV1 DIRECT ASSISTANCE.

Full Request for Proposals and Application document can be found here.

CLOSED -Request for Proposals

Grays Harbor County has issued a “Request for Proposals” to interested and qualified agencies. Applicants must provide a proposal and budget that covers how their agency will provide the noted deliverables for one or more of the available program areas under the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CV1):

Microenterprise Assistance programs:

·         Direct assistance to microenterprise businesses

·         Technical assistance to microenterprise businesses

The RFP will open December 17, 2020 and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. January 4, 2021. The County reserves the rights to reject any proposal that is incomplete or does not meet the requisite qualifications or to recommend contract amounts less than the maximum budget. This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. 

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Cassie Lentz

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Applications and related materials must be received no later than January 4 at 4:30 p.m. to be considered. The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with CDBG CV1 MICROENTERPRISE ASSISTANCE.

Full Request for Proposals and Application document can be found here.

Question and Answers:

Q: Are 501(c)6 organizations eligible?

A: Yes, as long as they do not use any of the funds for campaign purposes.


Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > WIC

Currently, all WIC appointments are being provided over the phone. We are continuing to offer in-person breastfeeding help by appointment as well as curbside breast pump delivery. Beginning September 1, 2023, we will be offering both remote and in-person appointments.

What is WIC?

  • Nutrition and health information

  • Breastfeeding support

  • Free nutritious foods

  • Health care services

  • Referrals to other services

Who can get WIC?

  • Pregnant women

  • Breastfeeding women

  • New mothers

  • Infants

  • Children up to the age of 5


WIC Nutrition Program doesn’t discriminate.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;


Fax: (202) 690-7442

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Washington State WIC Nutrition Program doesn’t discriminate.