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In the news

Four selected for expanded county Board of Health

Guest User

June 23, 2022

Four selected for expanded county Board of Health

Will be on the board for the July 28 quarterly meeting

CONTACT: Dan Hammock, Communications Officer, 360-500-4351,


ABERDEEN – Four new members of the Grays Harbor County Board of Health were selected Wednesday and will take their seats on the board alongside the three existing members at the quarterly meeting July 28.

The new members were appointed by the Board of County Commissioners from four different categories:

Consumer of public health: Char Hood of Aberdeen. Will serve a two-year term.

Other community stakeholder: Chris Olive of Aberdeen. Will serve a one-year term.

Public health, health care facilities, provider: Dr. Kenneth Dietrich of Oakville. Will serve a two-year term.

Tribal representative: Chrissy Winn of Taholah. Will serve a three-year term.

“We are very excited to welcome our new members to the Grays Harbor County Board of Health,” said Grays Harbor County Public Health Director Mike McNickle. “The new perspectives, energy and vision they bring will help us move forward with innovative initiatives that will help improve the health of all Grays Harbor County residents.”

The state legislature in 2021 passed legislation that directed each local health jurisdiction to expand its board of health by July 1 2022. Grays Harbor County Commissioners – whom will continue to serve on the Board of Health – passed a resolution May 17 to expand the board from three elected members to add the four non-elected positions.

The candidates appointed Wednesday at a special Board of Health meeting came from a pool of applicants accepted over the last month, except for the tribal representative, who was selected by the American Indian Health Commission and approved by the Board of County Commissioners.

For more on the Board of Health visit, and follow Grays Harbor County Public Health at and Twitter at  
