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Talk and lock: discussing with your kids the dangers of misusing over-the-counter medications

Guest User

Contact: Dan Hammock, Communications Officer, 360-500-4027,

A recent increase in hospital visits for local youths related to over-the-counter pain medication has Grays Harbor County Public Health urging parents to talk to their kids about the dangers of misusing any medications, including common drugs like ibuprofen and Benadryl.

The recent events locally did not include any known deaths; however, large doses of ibuprofen, Benadryl and similar medications can lead to serious health issues.

There is evidence that these events are not intentional overdoses; rather, they are accidental as young people respond to a TikTok challenge encouraging them to test their limits with some over-the-counter medication.

“Public Health has been working to share information with parents and young people about the dangers of prescription pills, and these recent events have highlighted the need for parents and caregivers to talk about the potential dangers of more common medications with their kids,” said Healthy Places Division Manager Cassie Lentz.

Lentz recommends a tiered approach. First, talk to the young person about these types of challenges found on social media platforms to ask if they are aware of them, and about the dangers. Second, if you are concerned or want to provide extra protection it’s not a bad idea to lock up all medications, even the common over-the-counter type found in most home medication cabinets. Lastly, if a youth has consumed more than the recommended dosage of over-the-counter medication consult with your medical provider and/or poison control.

More information on Benadryl:

More information on ibuprofen:
