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Westport Emergency Cold Weather Shelter FAQ

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Westport Emergency Cold Weather Shelter FAQ


Q: Who operates the shelter in Westport?

A: The Westport shelter is operated by Chaplains on the Harbor.

Q: How long has the shelter in Westport been in operation?  What are the hours of operation?

A: The Westport shelter has been in operation this season since November 2022 and is open 8

p.m. to 7 a.m. seven days a week. Services will be available through March 31, 2023.


Q: How long was the shelter in Westport operating prior to this season?

A: The Westport location has offered seasonal emergency cold weather services for the last five



Q: Why is the Westport shelter receiving more people than in past years?

A:  There has been more traffic at this Westport shelter this season than previous seasons

      because of the lack of an emergency cold weather shelter elsewhere in the county.


     Also, with implementation of a shelter in the central Grays Harbor area delayed, the Board of

     County Commissioners asked Public Health to bring forward options to mitigate the effects of

     cold weather on unsheltered residents. In December 2022 Public Health presented three 

     options, including expanding the bed capacity at the Westport shelter.


From there, the Board of County Commissioners, at its January 3, 2023, meeting, authorized

a request by Chaplains on the Harbor for an additional $45,000 to increase the bed capacity

at the Westport shelter by 10, bringing the total number of beds to 25.


QWhat is the cost of the shelter in Westport, and the additional cost of offering more beds?

A:  The total contract with the recent additional $45,000 is $167,804 paid for through an

      Emergency Solutions Coronavirus Grant from the State of Washington. The additional

      $45,000 pays for three FTEs (shelter staff, security, and manager), utilities, supplies and

      administration costs.


Q: What is Chaplains on the Harbor’s responsibility for maintaining the shelter in Westport?

A: As part of its contract, Chaplains on the Harbor has been working diligently and closely with

     the City of Westport to ensure that everything is up to code at the shelter and that all efforts

     are made to mitigate impacts on the community. At the time the shelter opened, the shelter 

     was in compliance with the City of Westport requirements.