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Preliminary tests detect toxic algae in portion of Ocean Shores' Grand Canal

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CONTACT: Grays Harbor County Environmental Health Division

Jeff Nelson, Director

DATE: 07/01/2022 3:30PM

In response to reports of a possible Harmful Algae Bloom (HAB), City Officials conducted initial testing of water samples collected from the Grand Canal in an area North of the Mt. Olympus Bridge. Preliminary results indicate the presence of Toxic Algae. Additional testing will be necessary to better characterize any potential threat to human and animal health.

What are toxic algae?

Toxic algae, also known as cyanobacteria, occur naturally in lakes and other water bodies. They can produce toxins that make people, pets, and animals sick.

What causes toxic algae?

Toxic algae need light, the right temperature, and nutrients. People can influence the number of nutrients in the water:

Reduce your use of fertilizer.

Maintain your septic system.

Put pet waste into the trash.

What are the symptoms?

Muscle weakness.




See your medical provider if you have come into contact with toxic algae and have any of these symptoms. Little children are at most risk since they have small bodies and are likely to ingest water.

Skin contact with toxic algae can cause irritation or a rash. This is a different rash from Swimmer's Itch.

How can toxic algae affect my pets?

Pets are at great risk. They have small bodies and are more likely to ingest larger amounts of toxic algae. They may drink water with toxic algae and lick their fur. Take your pet to the vet when it shows any of these symptoms:





Difficulty breathing

General weakness

What should I do if exposed to toxic algae?

You can get sick within minutes to hours of exposure. Rinse off any people or any pets exposed to toxic algae immediately. Monitor for signs of illness and seek medical treatment if symptoms occur. For exposed pets, keep them from licking their fur.

Can I eat fish from toxic algae contaminated water?

Avoid eating fish from areas with visible algae. Always clean fish well and discard guts.

What should I do if I see an algae bloom?

Don’t drink lake water.

Don’t swim or waterski in areas with visible algae.

Keep pets and livestock away.

Questions? Contact Grays Harbor County Environmental Health at 360-249-4222 or