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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

In the news

Timeline of Booster Enabled Mass Vaccination Site in Grays Harbor County

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Public Health is notifying the public that the Mass Vaccination site administering booster COVID-19 vaccines will begin operations later this November, pending final approval from the Washington State Department of Health to administer booster doses. Thanks to the now abundant number of enrolled vaccine providers in Grays Harbor, the mass vaccination site will be able to strategically target the most significant time of need, anticipated to spike in November and December of this year. Details on process and registration will be released to the community when possible.

Certain immunocompromised individuals can access a 3rd dose vaccination at Grays Harbor County Public Health’s in-house clinics, or one the 17 other local enrolled providers listed below. For Public Health clinics, we ask that individuals schedule 3rd dose appointments by calling (360) 964-1850.

3rd dose providers.PNG

Recent data from the CDC shows that rates of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 are increasing across the country for people of all ages. Hospitalization rates in adults were reported to be 2.0 per 100,000 in an early July measure, and jumped dramatically to 10.2 per 100,000 in just a five-week period. COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing severe illness and hospitalization, and Grays Harbor County Public Health strongly encourages those who have yet to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to schedule a vaccination immediately. Visit to find a provider near you.



