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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631


Grays Harbor County Mass Vaccination

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

As announced earlier today, Grays Harbor County Public Health COVID-19 Incident Management Team will be holding a Mass Vaccination Site for Grays Harbor County. This site will be running this Wednesday through Friday performing 1,000 total vaccinations. Wednesday has been fully scheduled for 200 vaccinations and we are working to schedule 400 for both Thursday and Friday.

This site is by appointment only. There will be no walk-up appointments. Walk ups will be asked to leave and come back with a scheduled appointment.

This site is being held on Port of Grays Harbor property. We wanted to take a moment to recognize the agencies that are participating in this county-wide inter-agency planning. This list is just a few of the agencies that are actively engaged to make this large-scale vaccination site a reality:


●        Aberdeen Fire Department

●        Aberdeen Police Department

●        City of Aberdeen

●        City of Hoquiam

●        Grays Harbor Community Hospital

●        Grays Harbor County Fire and EMS Agencies

●        Grays Harbor County Law Enforcement Agencies

●        Grays Harbor Fire District #2

●        Hoquiam Fire Department

●        Hoquiam Police Department

●        Port of Grays Harbor

●        Summit Pacific Medical Center

●        And countless Volunteers in our Community.


The commitment of leadership of public health, emergency management, healthcare, and public safety resources to address COVID-19 within Grays Harbor County is the only way we will be successful at overcome this pandemic.  Thank you to our citizens for understanding and cooperating as we prepare to deploy vaccine in the most efficient manner possible.

If you are interested in receiving a vaccination and have not already filled out our COVID-19 Vaccination Intake Form or called our Resource Center and filled it out over the phone, you can find the form at

If you are unsure if you have filled out this form or filled it out and would like to be removed, please email us at When emailing us, please be sure to include your name and phone number so we can look you up accordingly.

If you need help filling out this form or have more questions, please call or email our call center. (360) 964-1850. We are open Mon - Fri from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM and Sat, Sun, and Holidays from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.