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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
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(360) 532-8631

Mask distribution event for eligible residents Wednesday, July 29 at the Ocosta High School


Mask distribution event for eligible residents Wednesday, July 29 at the Ocosta High School

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center will be hosting a drive-up mask distribution event this Wednesday, July 29, 2020 from 10 AM to 2 PM.  Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center and Grays Harbor Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will be at the Ocosta High School at 2580 Montesano Street in Westport distributing two (2) free, reusable face masks for every individual that is below the 200% Federal Poverty Level in Washington State.

The drive-up site will be set up in the parking lot of the Ocosta High School (see map below). No identification or proof of income is required. This is the fourth site of multiple anticipated locations and dates. More information to come on future sites.

Under Governor Jay Inslee’s new proclamation, Mask Up, Washington, all residents are required to wear a face covering when in public and unable to adequately social distance. Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor County Emergency Operations Center would like to encourage all residents of Grays Harbor to comply with this order. These masks, provided by Washington State Emergency Management, are intended to help residents be able to comply with the Governor’s order.

Size of Family 2020 Federal Poverty Level 200% of FPL

Individuals $12,760 $25,520

Family of 2 $17,240 $34,480

Family of 3 $21,720 $43,440

Family of 4 $26,200 $52,400

Family of 5 $30,680 $61,360

Family of 6 $35,160 $70,320

Family of 7 $39,640 $79,280

Family of 8 $44,120 $88,240
