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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631


COVID-19 patient transferred to Stafford Creek Corrections Center

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Stafford Creek Corrections Center would like to notify the public that an incarcerated
individual, who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 and was treated
accordingly, was transferred from another facility to Stafford Creek today for treatment
of an underlying health condition. The facility is taking seriously the health and safety of
all individuals in the facility and utilizing all precautions available to them. Since the
inmate is not a resident of Grays Harbor County, they will not be added as a confirmed
case for the county.

Case counts
Grays Harbor County has 19 confirmed cases of COVID-19.
● March 2020: 2 cases
● April 2020: 10 cases
● May 2020: 5 cases
● June 2020: 2 cases

Grays Harbor County Public Health and Grays Harbor County Emergency Management
were notified of the 19 th case of COVID-19 in Grays Harbor County today. Public Health
staff have conducted a case investigation and contacted all close contacts. This is not the
same case that was transferred to Stafford Creek Correctional Facility. Grays Harbor
Public Health COVID-19 Task Force is prepared to respond if any additional cases are

Grays Harbor County Public Health will continue to operate a COVID-19 call center that
will assist people with testing referrals. Assistance is available in both English and
Spanish. Call (360) 964-1850. The call center is available Monday through Friday,
8:30am-12pm and 12:30pm-4pm.

Grays Harbor County is in phase 2 of Governor Inslee’s Safe Start plan to re-open
Washington. Staying home is still your safest option. If you have to leave for essential
travel, wear a cloth face covering. Please ensure social distancing of at least 6 feet apart
and remember to wash your hands.

Grays Harbor Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center provide the
most accurate, timely information possible. For information about COVID-19 and our
response, visit our website at . Like us on Facebook at .