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2109 Sumner Avenue
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Grays Harbor County has applied for phase 3 variance

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Today, upon recommendation from Grays Harbor Public Health Officer, Dr. John Bausher, and approval by both Grays Harbor County Board of Health and Grays Harbor County Board of Commissioners, Karolyn Holden, Director of Grays Harbor County Public Health submitted an application to the Washington State Department of Health for Grays Harbor County to move to phase 3 of Governor Jay Inslee’s Safe Start approach to reopening Washington.

Grays Harbor County will remain in phase 2 until the variance application for phase 3 is approved by Washington State Secretary of Health Dr. John Weisman. Grays Harbor Public Health expects to receive a decision from the Washington State Secretary of Health sometime next week. Application approval will be determined based on Grays Harbor County’s disease activity and readiness/capabilities to respond if an outbreak should occur.

In phase 3, additional recreational activities will be able to resume as well as many businesses approved for reopening and restaurants may increase their capacity.

Unlike phase 2, there will not be industry specific guidance for businesses in phase 3. However, each business or entity operating in phase 3 must develop a written Safety Plan outlining how its workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19 that is at least as protective as the requirements from the Department of Labor and Industry. Businesses can obtain further information and a Safety Plan template at

Case counts
Grays Harbor County has 20 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

·         March 2020: 2 cases 

·         April 2020: 10 cases

·         May 2020: 5 cases

·         June 2020: 3 cases

Grays Harbor Public Health COVID-19 Task Force is prepared to respond if any additional cases are identified.

Grays Harbor County Public Health will continue to operate a COVID-19 call center that will assist people with testing referrals. Assistance is available in both English and Spanish. Call (360) 964-1850. The call center is available Monday through Friday, 8:30am-12pm and 12:30pm-4pm.

Grays Harbor County is in phase 2 of Governor Inslee’s Safe Start plan to re-open Washington. Remember, staying home is still safest, but if you do go out: stay six feet from others, wear a face covering, wash your hands, and stay local.

Grays Harbor Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center provide the most accurate, timely information possible. For information about COVID-19 and our response, visit our website at  Like us on Facebook at