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2109 Sumner Avenue
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(360) 532-8631


No word yet on variance application; new case identified, case count now at 16

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

On Wednesday, May 20, Karolyn Holden, Director of Grays Harbor County Public Health, submitted Grays Harbor County’s application for a variance to move from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of Governor Inslee’s Safe Start plan to Washington State Secretary of Health, Dr. John Wiesman.

The application may be approved as submitted, approved with modifications, or denied. At the time of this press release, no decision has been received from the Secretary of Health; Grays Harbor County Public Health will announce the Secretary of Health’s decision as soon as it is received.

Case counts

Grays Harbor County has 16 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

  • March 2020: 2 cases 

  • April 2020: 10 cases

  • May 2020: 4 cases

One additional case of COVID-19 was identified today. Public health staff are reviewing the case and notifying close contacts. Grays Harbor Public Health Incident Management Team (IMT) remains prepared to respond if any additional cases are identified.

Grays Harbor County Public Health will continue to operate a COVID-19 call center that will assist people with testing referrals. Assistance is available in both English and Spanish. Call (360) 964-1850. The call center is available Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4pm. Please note that the call center will be closed on Monday, May 25 for the Memorial Day holiday.

Everyone should stay home and stay healthy. If you have to leave your home for essential activities, wear a cloth face covering.

Grays Harbor Public Health Incident Management Team and Grays Harbor Emergency Operations Center provide the most accurate, timely information possible. For information about COVID-19 and our response, visit our website at  Like us on Facebook at