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2109 Sumner Avenue
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(360) 532-8631

Grays Harbor Public Health COVID-19 response update


Grays Harbor Public Health COVID-19 response update

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Case updates

 One new case of COVID 19 has been identified in Grays Harbor County today.  Case investigation has reviewed the case and will continue to monitor.  Over the weekend, Grays Harbor Public Health Incident Management Team (IMT) remains prepared to respond if any additional cases are identified.

 Grays Harbor County has 3 confirmed case of COVID-19.

·         March 2020: 2 Cases

·         April 2020: 1 Case

 Response efforts

 Recent accomplishments

 The Grays Harbor Public Health Incident Management Team made progress today on establishing a short-term isolation and quarantine facility.  Two sites have been identified to provide this resource within the community, other locations are also being considered for temporary housing as needed for healthcare workers and first responders.

The plan being developed in Grays Harbor will create a system that will allow for the rapid identification of individuals who need support to successfully isolate or quarantine.  In addition, it will provide for emergency housing options that will allow people to isolate or quarantine as needed.  The plan will also address issues such as transportation, cleaning, security, food, medical care, and other essential supports. 

People who need support to isolate or quarantine can call Grays Harbor Public Health’s COVID-19 call center at (360) 964-1850 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

 Current priorities

 Grays Harbor Public Health continues to work with local agencies to develop plans and processes focused on the objectives of prevention, information, early identification, and mitigation.

 Grays Harbor Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Management continue to work to bring more medical supplies to our county. This incudes testing supplies for both hospitals as well as personal protective equipment supplies for all healthcare workers and first responders throughout Grays Harbor County.


 On March 17, 2020 Grays Harbor Public Health activated an incident management team to coordinate the local response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Under the direction of a policy group that includes local officials, medical and emergency response experts, and the Grays Harbor County Health Officer, the incident management team is using the best public health and medical science to control and mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

 What people should do

 Grays Harbor Public Health encourages every Grays Harbor County resident to do their part by following Governor Jay Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order.

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) and have a regular healthcare provider, you should call your provider to ask about testing.

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty breathing ) and do not have a regular health care provider, you can call Grays Harbor Public Health’s COVID-19 call center at (360) 964-1850 and speak with a medical professional who can assess whether or not you meet criteria for testing.

Where to get information

 The incident management team will be working to get information out as it becomes available.

 Residents can call the Grays Harbor Public Health COVID-19 call center at (360) 964-1850 for information about COVID-19. The number will be staffed from 8:30am- 4:00pm Monday through Friday.

 Local information and resources related to COVID-19 are also available on our website at