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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

No Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Grays Harbor, but officials are prepared


No Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Grays Harbor, but officials are prepared

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Local public health officials continue to monitor an international outbreak of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) centered in China. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause respiratory illness. COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus.

 On January 21, 2020 the Washington State Department of Health confirmed that a Snohomish County resident who traveled home from China had COVID-19. That person has since recovered. There are no cases of COVID-19 in Grays Harbor County and no persons under investigation.

 COVID-19 does not currently present an immediate threat to Grays Harbor or our State, but the virus is now spreading in several countries and health officials believe it is likely that we will start to see the spread of it in Washington State as well.  If that happens, health officials might consider certain strategies - like closing schools or cancelling large public events - to keep people away from each other to slow the spread of the virus.  Grays Harbor Public Health encourages people to take actions and make plans to stay healthy and safe, such as:

 ·         Stay home when you are sick.

·         Stay away from people who are sick.

·         Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

·         Cover your coughs and sneezes.  Throw out used tissues and wash your hands.

·         Avoid touching your mouth and eyes.

·         Get a flu shot.

·         Make plans for what you might do if your child’s school closes.

·         Find out your options for sick leave or working remotely if you need to care for someone at home.

For more information

  • CDC: (includes guidance for businesses, schools, individuals and families)

  • Washington State Department of Health:

  • Washington State Department of Health call center for general coronavirus questions: 1-800-525-0127, press #