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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

Stay home to keep Grays Harbor healthy


Stay home to keep Grays Harbor healthy

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Monday evening announced an immediate statewide “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order that will last for at least two weeks. It requires all residents of Washington to remain at home unless they are:

·     Pursuing an essential activity, like shopping for groceries or going to a medical appointment.

·     Getting takeout food. (Food deliveries are also permitted).

·     Going to work at an essential business.

·     Going outside for walks and exercise, as long as social distancing of 6 feet is maintained.

 “Staying home is vitally important to Grays Harbor County's ability to slow the spread of COVID-19,” said Karolyn Holden, Director. “We are asking every Grays Harbor County resident to do their part by following the Governor’s order. Individual actions to limit the spread of the coronavirus will benefit the health of our entire community.” 

 “We know that staying at home can be challenging. We are reminding people to keep their physical distance, but not their emotional distance,” said Holden. “Grays Harbor is a community that knows how to support each other through tough times and this is no different.”

 Neighbors can continue to drop groceries off on each other’s doorstep, for example, and check in on each other through a phone call or text. “We will get through this, together,” said Holden.

 For more information about Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, visit

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