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Grays Harbor Public Health activates incident management team


Grays Harbor Public Health activates incident management team

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Activation allows for better coordination among COVID-19 response partners

Grays Harbor Public Health has activated an incident management team to coordinate the local response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our department has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation. Although Grays Harbor County continues to have only 1 confirmed case, we do expect more cases in the days and weeks to come,” said Karolyn Holden, Director. “Activating an incident management team now will allow Public Health to better coordinate and prepare with other local response partners, including Grays Harbor Community Hospital, Summit Pacific Medical Center, and Grays Harbor Emergency Management.”

 Grays Harbor Public Health is receiving assistance from Homeland Security Region 3 and local area agencies to support their response.

 The incident management team will be using the best public health and medical science for controlling and mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic and will provide guidance and logistical support to local healthcare systems.

 The incident management team will also be working to get information out as it becomes available. “We know that people need timely and accurate information so that they can make informed decisions about protecting themselves and their families,” said Holden. “Accurate information is one thing we do want to see spreading right now.”

 If you have questions about COVID-19, call the Washington State Department of Health call center at 1 (800) 525-0127.

 For local information and resources related to COVID-19, visit our website at