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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

Directory of services & programs

Filtering by Category: Housing

Rental Assistance

Guest User

Hello Grays Harbor County Community!

Rental Assistance and By and For Rental Assistance (for disadvantaged populations) are available through our community partner Coastal Community Action Program (CCAP). In order to access this resource and verify eligibility, please contact the agency Care Coordinated Entry System. The flyers below provides all the information you may need.

Thank you!

Housing Prevention Programs

Guest User

Hello Grays Harbor County Community!

Rental Assistance and By and For Rental Assistance (for disadvantaged populations) are available through our community partner Coastal Community Action Program (CCAP). In order to access this resource and verify eligibility, please contact the agency Care Coordinated Entry System. The flyers below provides all the information you may need.

Thank you!


Grays Harbor County (County) has issued a “Request for Proposals” to interested and qualified agencies to provide rental assistance and utility assistance to qualifying households for the time period of May 2023-June 2025. The purpose of this assistance is to attempt to prevent evictions. Applicants must provide a proposal and budget that covers how their agency will provide the noted deliverables for one or more of the available program areas under the Eviction Prevention program.

Public Service programs:

  • Rental and Utility Assistance and associated operational costs.

  • Support of outreach, communication, technical assistance, and/or provision of Rental and Utility Assistance to serve historically disadvantaged populations.

The request for proposal (RFP) is intended for community providers with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully deliver services to individuals who are at risk of homelessness and who are at or below 80% of the Area Median Income in a way that aligns with the Department of Commerce’s Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) guidelines.

This RFP formally opens on February 22nd, 2023 and closes on March 17th, 2023.

The full RFP can be found at:

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:

Grays Harbor County Public Health
Attn: Natali Burgess
2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA 98520

The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with EVICTION PREVENTION APPLICATION.

Applications and related materials must be received no later than March 17, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. to be considered. Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Any questions related to this application may be directed to:

Natali Burgess: Housing Program Coordinator
Phone: 360-500-4078


Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

Housing Program Annual Update

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Housing & homelessness

Annual Housing System Performance Reports

We believe that everyone should have a safe and healthy place to live.

To fulfill a 2018 legislative requirement, Grays Harbor County updated its local plan to address unmet housing needs.

The 2019-2024 Grays Harbor County Five Year Plan to Address Unmet Housing Needs was published in May 2019.

Each year following the end of the State Fiscal Year ( July - June) Public Health Housing program staff provide an overview of the housing system and progress made in an annual meeting. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year staff produced a series of videos that cover the content.

Grays Harbor County has created and published annual reports to measure and share information about homeless system performance. These reports show progress the County has made in key benchmarks and provides data about services provided to clients experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Ensuring that all residents of Grays Harbor County have access to safe, adequate, affordable housing is crucial to improving the health of our community. We all benefit when everyone who calls Grays Harbor home has a healthy and safe place to live. Our providers and partners are doing difficult and meaningful work every day to serve some of our most vulnerable residents . . . . and they are making a difference.

However, currently in Grays Harbor County only 1 in 4 residents identified as homeless can find a safe place to live.  In addition, those looking for adequate housing and needing assistance can face a waiting time of over 3 years. It is critical we continue to find solutions to this crisis and ways to make housing more affordable and available. We have drafted a clear and comprehensive plan - heavily informed by a variety of partners – which outlines what the county can and will  do to address homelessness and affordable housing needs. Because we value transparency and straightforward communication, our plan also clearly outlines the anticipated unmet need – despite the continuation of existing services and expansion to new programming.

If you have questions, please contact Alex Blumenthal at or 360-500-4064 at the Homeless Housing Department which is part of Public Health. In addition, all members of the Board of County Commissioners would be willing to talk to you to listen to your comments and concerns. It will take all of us to make a difference in the homelessness crisis within our County and to make affordable housing available to everyone.

Public Health staff recently hosted a series of six workshops for our Board of County Commissioners to discuss what we know about the issue of homelessness, what resources and strategies we have to address the challenges, and how homelessness impacts a variety of stakeholders.

You can find the finalized materials shared at those workshops below, organized by topic/date.

  • Workshop 2 – What funding do we have to address homelessness in our community? (June 8th 11:00 a.m.)

    o   Guest speaker – Tedd Kelleher, Housing Assistance Unit at the Department of Commerce

    o   Workshop recording:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 6/8/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 6/8/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins approximately 60:00 into the video

    o   Workshop materials: Presentation Materials

  • Workshop 3 – How does Grays Harbor County invest to address homeless now? (June 15th 10:30 a.m.)

    o   Guest speaker – Gloria Callaghan and Jana Ferrier, Domestic Violence Center of Grays Harbor

    o   Workshop recording is posted:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 6/15/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 6/15/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins approximately 65 minutes into the video

    o   Workshop materials: Presentation Materials

  • Workshop 4 – Case Management and Service Delivery Model (June 29th 10:00 a.m.)

    o   Guest speaker – Craig Dublanko, CEO of Coastal Community Action Program

    o   Workshop recording is posted:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 6/29/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 6/29/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins at 17 minutes into the video

    o   Workshop materials Presentation Materials

  • Workshop 5 – Grays Harbor’s Continuum of Care (July 6th, 10:00 a.m.)

    o   Guest speaker – Sarah Glorian (client stories), Chief Steve Shumate – Aberdeen Police Department, Cindy Stutesman – Seattle Union Gospel Mission, Jim Sorenson – Coastal Community Action Program, Cathy Hinds – Home Sweet Home Property Management, Dave Murnen – NeighborWorks Grays Harbor

    o   Workshop recording is posted:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 7/6/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 7/6/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins approximately 30 minutes into the video

    o   Workshop Materials: Presentation Materials

  • Workshop 6 – Next Steps, Policy discussion for upcoming Homeless Housing Request for Proposals (August 3rd, 10:00 a.m.)

    o   Workshop recording will be posted:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 08/03/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 08/03/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins approximately 110 minutes (1:50 minutes) into the video

    o   Workshop materials:

  • Presentation Materials

Due to the COVID pandemic the 2019-20 report included a series of videos that reviews the primary components of our plan and provides updates on progress where we have them (video links below). Topics include how many people are homeless in our County, an overview of the 5 Year Plan and the strategies selected, and deeper dives into strategies to prevent homelessness in the first place, our emergency shelter system and rental assistance programs, and our work to intentionally increase affordable housing opportunities.

How Many People Experiencing Homelessness Live in Grays Harbor?

Part of the Grays Harbor County 2020 Housing Program Update.

What is Grays Harbor County’s Plan to Address Homelessness?

What is Grays Harbor County doing to Prevent Homelessness?

What is Grays Harbor County doing to house people experiencing homelessness?

What is Grays Harbor County doing to increase Affordable Housing?


Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Home > Housing & homelessness

We believe that everyone should have a safe and healthy place to live.


Grays Harbor County (“County”) is requesting proposals to provide outreach, communication, technical assistance, and/or rental and utility assistance (“Services”) to historically disadvantaged populations for the time period of October 2024 – June 2025. Services will be targeted at specific populations and will be directed and substantially controlled by people from the populations served. Successful bidder(s) will propose programs that embody the assisted population’s central values. Applicants must provide a proposal and budget that covers how their organization will provide deliverables for the available program areas under the Eviction Prevention Program.

This request for proposals (“RFP”) is intended for organizations with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully deliver services to individuals in historically disadvantaged populations who are at or below 80% of the Area Median Income in a way that aligns with the Department of Commerce’s “Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG) guidelines”. This RFP is intended for organizations with the necessary capacity and experience using generally accepted accounting principles, administrative infrastructure, and the ability to operate services on a cost-reimbursement basis. The RFP will open August 13, 2024, and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. on September 10, 2024.

The full RFP can be found here.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Natali Burgess

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

The Request for Proposals will open August 13, 2024, and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. on September 10, 2024.

Applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with EVICTION PREVENTION BY AND FOR APPLICATION. 

Applications submitted after the due date of September 10, 2024 at 4:30 pm will not be considered. Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject all submittals and to waive irregularities and formalities in the submittal and evaluation process. This RFP does not oblige the County to pay any costs incurred by applicants in the preparation and submission of their proposal. Furthermore, this RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

CLOSED - 05/15/2024 - Request for Proposals for “Tiny Home” Prototype and Exhibition Services

Grays Harbor County (“County”) has issued a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to interested and qualified agencies to provide a prototype of a “tiny home”, commonly understood to be an independent, small-footprint dwelling, usually under 400 square feet, often on wheels. It is the intent of the County via this request and subsequent agreement to share the selected prototype with members of the public through a variety of public events at which the successful bidder will show and respond to questions about the prototype.  The scope of this project includes a “tiny home” prototype that could accommodate a single individual and does not necessarily include sanitation, cooking, or laundry facilities for the completed prototype. The County is interested in reviewing options for additional amenities (such as restroom facilities) onto the base model prototype. The prototype must be mobile/able to be transported to a variety of locations throughout the County during the contract period to be made available to the public. The County expects the protype would have a useful life at least five years from date of purchase. With this project, the County aims to strengthen communities by investing in a continuum of housing options including emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing.  The resulting tiny home prototype purchased will be the property of Grays Harbor County.

Eligible applicants must submit a narrative response to the questions at the end of this RFP, a new project application, and budget.  

This RFP is intended for entities with the ability, capacity and experience to successfully show a variety of model prototypes for consideration and subsequent purchase of one model, and make available to the public the exhibition of a model/prototype “tiny home”. The RFP will open May 15, 2024, and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. June 14, 2024.

The County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal.  Furthermore, this RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

Successful applicants will work with County staff to negotiate formal contracts with specific deliverables, timelines, and outcomes. The County will be responsible for contract compliance and monitoring all recipients of housing funds during purchase and performance by the successful bidder to ensure alignment with fund requirements and contract deliverables.

Estimated Calendar/Timeline*:
Issue RFP -
May 15, 2024
Questions Due- June 3, 2024
Proposals Due - June 14, 2024
Proposal Subcommittee Review (if applicable) - June 2024
Recommendations provided to BOCC - June 2024
Agency Contract Development Process - June/July 2024
Project Start Date - July 1, 2024
Contract period - July 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
*Timeline is approximate and subject to change without notice.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:

Grays Harbor County Public Health
Attn: Alex Blumenthal
2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA 98520   

Applications and related materials must be received no later than Friday, June 14th at 4:30 p.m. to be considered. The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with TINY HOME PROTOTYPE APPLICATION. 

Questions and Answers:

Question: The Project Start Date states July 1 and lists a contract period.  Does this mean the Prototype must be pre-built and ready by submission date?

Answer: Yes, the prototype must be pre-built.

Question: Where/who would be expected to store it?

Answer: This will be determined during contract negotiations

Question: Please clarify what the County is referring to at the top of page 4: “The County will require, when applicable, all subrecipients and vendors to certify they either meet or do not meet the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Princip, Uniform Administratively, and Audit Requirements. If the applicant indicates they do not meet or exceed the audit threshold, a copy of their single audit is required to be sent to County staff. Audit verification, risk assessment (if applicable), contract execution, and contract orientation must be completed prior to distribution of any funds.” What is the point of this?

Answer: To determine if this is applicable, following RFP submissions the County will review the “Subrecipient vs. Contractor” checklist to determine if the resulting contract will be a subrecipient or contractor agreement. If the contract is a subrecipient award we will proceed with a risk assessment where we will determine if these requirements apply to the contracted agency and ask them to provide documentation of compliance. Please refer to CFR Part 200 Uniform Admin Requirements here

Question: What do you mean by ‘Capacity to operate the project on a cost-reimbursement basis?” Especially for a For-Profit business? Will the apparently successful bidder only be reimbursed on a cost-basis only?  

Answer: The County can only reimburse actual and eligible expenses incurred and paid by the contracted entity, within the parameters of the fully executed contract. The contractor will be expected to perform deliverables outlined in the fully executed contract and provide documentation of actual and eligible expenses incurred and paid prior to reimbursement by the County.

Question: At what time and how will reimbursement occur? These terms will be determined in contract negotiations.

Answer: Typically the County provides payment within 30 days of received invoices that are determined to be complete, correct, and eligible per the contract.

Question: What do you mean by ‘complaint with government accounting systems’ and how is this definition determined? Please provide definition of ‘compliant’

Answer: Contractors will be expected to have accounting systems in place that can track your expenses, financial records, bookkeeping, timekeeping and other essential accounting needs specific to this contractual agreement, as well as direct and indirect cost allocation procedures if applicable in the terms of the contract.

Compliant definition is agreeing to meet/follow accordance with County rules and standards.

Question: The Liability Insurance amounts seem high for the amount in the RFP, why is that? Why is this amount in the project?

Answer: The liability insurance amounts are the minimum for all County contracts.

Question: Is there a Bond requirement? If so, what is the amount? What are they bonding to?

Answer: No bond requirement; county is not contracting for a construction project; asset must be already constructed.

Question: What do you mean by contract compliance and monitoring?

Answer: Contract compliance and Monitoring is the process where County staff verify and document the contractor is complying with all terms and conditions outlined in the contract. This also includes tracking the process and performance/status of what is being asking to complete in the contract (scope of work/deliverables) and administrative requirements such as such as timely and correct/complete invoice submission, documentation of outlined deliverables, documentation of required insurance coverage, documentation of any required policies and procedures as applicable, monthly monitoring meetings, etc…

This is the common process used to track the performance and status of contracts to ensure obligations are being fulfilled as contracted.

Question: For Threshold criteria when submitting the letter, what if the entity has not completed an independent audit for a for profit organization? What kind of audit are you looking for?

If the agency is not required to complete an audit (has received $750,000 or more in federal funds in the last year) the agency can note that in the threshold criteria letter.

 If the agency has completed an audit other than the single audit, the agency can note that.



CLOSED - Request for Proposals now open - Capital Investment for Emergency Shelter

Grays Harbor County (“County”) has issued a Request for Proposals to interested and qualified agencies to purchase or designate a physical asset and obligate such real property to be used to provide emergency shelter for an indefinite period of time.

  • Grays Harbor County is seeking to invest in real property obligated to support a continuum of emergency shelter services that prioritize safety, minimize negative health impacts of unsheltered homelessness, and seeks to proactively engage individuals experiencing homelessness with necessary and available services in a coordinated way. The County seeks to provide funds to purchase and/or develop physical asset(s) that will assist our community to meet the basic needs of residents accessing services and quickly work to connect them to available and requested services to increase their stability and well-being. These capital investments and resulting services should be designed and implemented in coordination and collaboration with broad stakeholder engagement.


The RFP is intended for agencies with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully purchase, plan, develop, implement, and evaluate physical assets designed to provide emergency shelter to individuals who are literally homeless in a way that aligns with the 2019-2024 Grays Harbor Plan to Address Homelessness and Department of Commerce’s “Consolidated Homeless Grant Guidelines.” The RFP will open March 5, 2024, and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. on April 30, 2024.

Applicants to receive and implement funds for capital purchase/development of emergency shelter assets will be responsible for identifying ongoing, sustainable operating funds and/or service provider(s) to deliver direct services. This RFP and subsequent contract DOES NOT obligate Grays Harbor County to provide funding for ongoing operations of the resulting shelter.

The full RFP can be found here.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Natali Burgess

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

The Request for Proposals will open March 5, 2024 and will close at 4:30 p.m. on April 30, 2024.

Applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with HOUSING APPLICATION - Proposals for Capital Investment for Emergency Shelter Capacity. 

Applications submitted after the due date of April 30, 2024 at 4:30 pm will not be considered. Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject all submittals and to waive irregularities and formalities in the submittal and evaluation process. This RFP does not oblige the County to pay any costs incurred by applicants in the preparation and submission of their proposal. Furthermore, this RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

 Questions and Answers

Question: Has a shelter location ever found/established for a permanent shelter?

Answer: No, no specific site has been discussed or approved.

CLOSED Request for Proposals - Rural Modular Housing development

Grays Harbor County (“County”) has issued a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to interested and qualified agencies to expand Affordable Housing units in the form of Modular Housing. The purpose of the project is to address housing disparities in rural locations within Grays Harbor County. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant hardship to many households who are struggling with rent or locating affordable housing because of economic distress. 1,2 With this project, the County aims to build stronger communities by investing in housing and neighborhoods. Eligible applicants must submit a narrative response to the questions at the end of this RFP, a new project application, and budget.

• Modular Housing Units for Affordable housing to serve low-moderate income residents in more rural areas of Grays Harbor County. Funds for this project include ARPA funding for the purpose of meeting affordable housing needs.

This RFP is intended for housing providers, nonprofits, rural city council entities and other eligible local service providers with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully acquire land and purchase modular units for affordable housing within the more rural communities of Grays Harbor County. The RFP will open November 8th, 2023, and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. November 27th, 2023. Although the County does not require prior site ID, location identification and site control is preferred. Priority will be given to entities who can demonstrate prior experience. The County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process. This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal. Furthermore, this RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

Questions must be submitted in writing to by November 15, 2023.

You can find the full Request for Proposals document here.

Homeless Housing Task Force

The annual housing system performance reports are now available. Click here for more information.

Grays Harbor County has created and published annual reports to measure and share information about homeless system performance. These reports show progress the County has made in key benchmarks and provides data about services provided to clients experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

The October 2022 Housing Stakeholder Materials discussing the 2021-22 System Performance Measures and 5 Year Plan Update can be found here.


CLOSED OCT. 23 2023
Grays Harbor County (“County”) has issued a Request for Proposals to interested and qualified agencies to provide cold weather emergency shelter services. Applicants must submit a narrative response to the questions at the end of this RFP, a new project application, and a proposed budget.  

  • Cold Weather Shelter for literally unsheltered clients during the cold weather season (November 2023-March 2024). The County reserves the right to extend the period of performance beyond March 31, 2024, depending on community need, subcontractor performance, and/or available funds.


The RFP is intended for housing providers with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully deliver services to individuals who are literally homeless in a way that aligns with the 2019-2024 Grays Harbor Plan to Address Homelessness and Department of Commerce’s “Consolidated Homeless Grant Guidelines” The RFP will open September 6, 2023, and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. on October 23, 2023. Priority will be given to programs who can demonstrate capacity and procedures are in place to prioritize the most vulnerable clients and work alongside literally homeless clients to remove barriers and successfully help them obtain and maintain permanent housing. 

The full RFP can be found here.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Natali Burgess

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

The Request for Proposals will open September 6th and will close at 4:30 p.m. on October 23rd.

Applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with HOUSING APPLICATION - Proposals for Emergency Cold Weather Shelter Services. 

Applications submitted after the due date of October 23rd, 2023 at 4:30 pm will not be considered. Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their statement of qualifications.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

To discuss and debrief the 2022-23 Cold Weather Shelter services and plan for 2023-24 Public Health prepared a workshop for the Board of County Commissioners in August of 2023:

To discuss and debrief 2021-22 Cold Weather Shelter services and plan for 2022-23 Public Health prepared two workshops for the Board of County Commissioners in June of 2022:

All recordings of Commissioner workshops and meetings are posted on the County’s website and can be searched by date here.

Closed - Request for Proposals

Grays Harbor County has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to interested and qualified agencies to renew existing homeless housing programs currently funded by the County.  More than 1 (one) apparently successful bid may be identified. CLOSES MARCH 27.

Ongoing program funding available– Up to $
5,819,330* available for period (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025)

Homeless Housing RFP

Subrecipient Risk Assessment Checklist

CLOSED - Request for Proposals

In response to the coronavirus pandemic and as part of establishing a coordinated continuum of care for individuals experiencing homelessness, the County is interested in contracting with qualified agencies to create and operate programs to be funded through a variety of sources in Grays Harbor County. 

Grays Harbor County (the “County”) is soliciting requests for proposals for the purpose of creating and operating cold weather emergency shelter resources. Notice is hereby given that proposals and statement of qualifications will be received by Grays Harbor County, Washington, for emergency shelter programs by following the instructions in the Request for Proposals. The full RFP can be found here.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Natali Burgess

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

The Request for Proposals will open September 21st and close at 4:30 p.m. on October 5th.

The County will hold a webinar for potential applicants on September 28th, 2022 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Contact Natali Burgess for zoom link information.

Recording of the webinar can be viewed at:

Passcode: Eh.hvJ%8

Applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with NEW EMERGENCY SHELTER APPLICATION.

Applications submitted after the due date of October 5, 2022 at 4:30 pm will not be considered.  Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their statement of qualifications.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

Request for Proposals - CLOSED/AWARDED

Grays Harbor County (“County”) has issued a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to interested and qualified agencies to expand Affordable Housing units in the form of Modular Housing.  The purpose of the project is to address housing disparities in rural locations within Grays Harbor County.  With this project, the County aims to build stronger communities by investing in housing and neighborhoods.  Eligible applicants must submit a narrative response to the questions at the end of this RFP, a new project application, and budget.  

·       Modular Housing Units for Affordable housing to serve low-moderate income residents in more rural areas of Grays Harbor County.

The RFP is intended for housing providers, nonprofits, rural city council entities, and other eligible local service providers with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully develop 2-12 modular units of affordable housing within the more rural communities of Grays Harbor County. The RFP will open August 16th, 2022 and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. August 30th, 2022.   Although the County does not require prior site ID, location identification and site control is preferred.  Priority will be given to entities who can demonstrate prior experience.

Full Request for Proposals

ARPA Guidelines

State Surplus Property in Grays Harbor

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:


Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Kimberly Stoll-French

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Question: Is this proposal for rental low income housing? 


Answer: This request for proposals is for affordable housing units in the form of modular housing.  The following criteria regarding affordability is required for consideration:


  1. A planned affordable housing project in Grays Harbor County focusing on the population making between 0% - 50% of AMI. Priority will be given to projects that serve households with 0-30% of AMI.


In addition, Affordable housing units must remain affordable for at least 30 years from the date of completion.

As part of ongoing conversations with the Board of County Commissioners County regarding allocating existing Emergency Solutions Grant, Emergency Shelter Fund, and local Homeless Housing funds staff presented information in two workshops:

All recordings of Commissioner workshops and meetings are posted on the County’s website and can be searched by date here.

Public Health staff recently hosted a series of six workshops for our Board of County Commissioners to discuss what we know about the issue of homelessness, what resources and strategies we have to address the challenges, and how homelessness impacts a variety of stakeholders.

You can find the finalized materials shared at those workshops below, organized by topic/date.

  • Workshop 2 – What funding do we have to address homelessness in our community? (June 8th 11:00 a.m.)

    o   Guest speaker – Tedd Kelleher, Housing Assistance Unit at the Department of Commerce

    o   Workshop recording:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 6/8/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 6/8/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins approximately 60:00 into the video

    o   Workshop materials: Presentation Materials

  • Workshop 3 – How does Grays Harbor County invest to address homeless now? (June 15th 10:30 a.m.)

    o   Guest speaker – Gloria Callaghan and Jana Ferrier, Domestic Violence Center of Grays Harbor

    o   Workshop recording is posted:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 6/15/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 6/15/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins approximately 65 minutes into the video

    o   Workshop materials: Presentation Materials

  • Workshop 4 – Case Management and Service Delivery Model (June 29th 10:00 a.m.)

    o   Guest speaker – Craig Dublanko, CEO of Coastal Community Action Program

    o   Workshop recording is posted:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 6/29/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 6/29/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins at 17 minutes into the video

    o   Workshop materials Presentation Materials

  • Workshop 5 – Grays Harbor’s Continuum of Care (July 6th, 10:00 a.m.)

    o   Guest speaker – Sarah Glorian (client stories), Chief Steve Shumate – Aberdeen Police Department, Cindy Stutesman – Seattle Union Gospel Mission, Jim Sorenson – Coastal Community Action Program, Cathy Hinds – Home Sweet Home Property Management, Dave Murnen – NeighborWorks Grays Harbor

    o   Workshop recording is posted:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 7/6/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 7/6/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins approximately 30 minutes into the video

    o   Workshop Materials: Presentation Materials

  • Workshop 6 – Next Steps, Policy discussion for upcoming Homeless Housing Request for Proposals (August 3rd, 10:00 a.m.)

    o   Workshop recording will be posted:

  • Visit this link:

  • Enter 08/03/21 under “meeting date” and hit search

  • Select 08/03/21 Morning Meeting

  • The video/audio of the meeting will download and when complete you can open/view the video file

  • The Housing Workshop begins approximately 110 minutes (1:50 minutes) into the video

    o   Workshop materials:

  • Presentation Materials

CLOSED Request for Proposals - Hygiene Supports

Grays Harbor County has issued a request for proposals (“RFP”) to interested and qualified agencies to provide hygiene support services. Applicants must submit a narrative response to the questions at the end of this RFP, a new project application, and a budget.  Programs to be funded through this request include:

  • Hygiene supports for Literally Homeless individuals. These programs will be funded through the Washington State Department of Commerce’s (“Commerce”) Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus (“ESG CV”) and must comply with ESG CV Guidelines (“Guidelines”) including but not limited to guidelines requiring data collection and documentation.

This RFP is intended for housing providers with the necessary capacity and experience to successfully deliver services to individuals who are literally homeless in a way that aligns with the Guidelines. This RFP opens March 23rd, 2022 and all proposals are due no later than April 13th at 4:30 p.m.

The full RFP can be found here. Other relevant material includes the ESG CV Guidelines, ESG Written Standards, and required ESG Data Elements.

For more information or questions please contact Cassie Lentz at

In anticipation of the cold weather season and as part of establishing a coordinated continuum of care for individuals experiencing homelessness, the County is interested in contracting with a qualified agency to create and operate cold weather shelter resources in Grays Harbor County. 


Grays Harbor County (the “County”) is soliciting requests for proposals for the purpose of creating and operating cold weather shelter resources. Notice is hereby given that letters of interest and statement of qualifications will be received by Grays Harbor County, Washington, for cold weather emergency shelter programs by filing with the County at the location below. The full RFP can be found here.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Curtis Steinhauer

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with NEW EMERGENCY SHELTER APPLICATION.

Qualifications submitted after the due date October 18th, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. will not be considered.  Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their statement of qualifications.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

Request for Proposals - Closed

Grays Harbor County has issued a “Request for Proposals” to interested and qualified agencies to renew existing homeless housing programs currently funded by the County. Current contractors must provide a renewal request and verification of good-standing. New applicants must submit a narrative response to the questions at the end of the RFP and a new project application. the RFP will open August 18th, 2021 and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. September 16th, 2021.

 The full Request for Proposals and application materials can be found here.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:

Grays Harbor County Public Health and Social Services

Attn: Curtis Steinhauer

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Any questions related to this application may be directed to:

Curtis Steinhauer, Housing Resource Coordinator


Phone: 360-589-0057


In response to the coronavirus pandemic and as part of establishing a coordinated continuum of care for individuals experiencing homelessness, the County is interested in contracting with a qualified agency to create and operate programs to be funded through the Emergency Solution Grant-CV in Grays Harbor County. 


Grays Harbor County (the “County”) is soliciting requests for proposals for the purpose of creating and operating emergency shelter resources. Notice is hereby given that letters of interest and statement of qualifications will be received by Grays Harbor County, Washington, for emergency shelter programs by filing with the County at the location below. The full RFP can be found HERE.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Curtis Steinhauer

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with NEW EMERGENCY SHELTER APPLICATION.

Qualifications submitted after the due date December 3rd, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. will not be considered.  Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their statement of qualifications.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.


In response to the coronavirus pandemic and as part of establishing a coordinated continuum of care for individuals in need of rental and utility assistance, the County is interested in contracting with a qualified agency to create and operate programs to be funded through the Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP 2.0) Grant in Grays Harbor County. 

Grays Harbor County (the “County”) is soliciting requests for proposals for the purpose of creating and operating ERAP 2.0 grant resources. Notice is hereby given that letters of interest and statement of qualifications will be received by Grays Harbor County, Washington, for the ERAP 2.0 program by filing with the County at the location below. The full RFP can be found HERE.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Natali Paccione

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with ERAP 2.0 PROGRAM APPLICATION.

Qualifications submitted after the due date December 1st, 2021 at 4 p.m. will not be considered.  Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their statement of qualifications.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

Request for Information - CLOSED

Grays Harbor County is requesting information from qualified agencies for consideration in a thirty-six month, three year affordable housing capital projects funding schedule (pipeline).   In an effort to organize limited funding as effectively as possible to increase affordable housing in our community, Grays Harbor County is requesting information from qualified agencies for consideration in a thirty six (36) month, three (3) year affordable housing capital projects funding schedule (pipeline).

This pipeline will provide the County with the ability to see a schedule of planned new and rehab construction projects for affordable housing in the community, and provide agencies facilitating these projects with a greater level of confidence to move forward in securing the necessary resources. The County reserves the right to request that Applicants submit additional information as may be requested by staff to clarify submitted information. Also, the County reserves the right to suspend, amend, or modify the provisions of this RFI, to reject all proposals, or to negotiate modifications of proposals.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Curtis Steinhauer

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520  

All questions must be submitted in writing and questions and answered will be posted on the County’s website    

Applications and related materials must be received no later than May 19, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. to be considered. The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with AFFORDABLE HOUSING PIPELINE APPLICATION.

Full Request for Information document can be found here.

Business Rules can be found here.

Resource documents:

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and as part of establishing a coordinated continuum of care for individuals experiencing homelessness, the County is interested in contracting with a qualified agency to create and operate new emergency shelter resources in Grays Harbor County. 




Grays Harbor County (the “County”) is soliciting requests for proposals for the purpose of creating and operating new emergency shelter resources. Notice is hereby given that letters of interest and statement of qualifications will be received by Grays Harbor County, Washington, for new emergency shelter programs by filing with the County at the location below.

Grays Harbor County Public Health Department

Attn: Curtis Steinhauer

2109 Sumner Ave

Aberdeen, WA


Full Request for Proposals materials can be found here.

Qualifications submitted after the due date January 20, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. will not be considered.  Applicants accept all risks of late delivery of mailed submittals regardless of fault.

Grays Harbor County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process.  This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their statement of qualifications.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services.

It is Grays Harbor County's policy to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded programs and activities.

Q & A

On January 11th, Grays Harbor County Public Health staff hosted a virtual Q&A concerning the currently open Requests for Proposals for new Emergency Shelter programs. Members of the public may access this recording through the link below. If you missed this Q&A, questions concerning this RFP may be submitted in writing at any time to , answers to questions submitted in writing will be answered publicly on this website.

Topic: Emergency Shelter RFP Q&A

Start Time : Jan 11, 2021 01:58 PM

Meeting Recording:


CLOSED - Request for Proposals

Grays Harbor County has issued a “Request for Proposals” to interested and qualified agencies for the purpose of providing Permanent Supportive Housing to Chronically Homeless individuals. Applicants must provide a proposal and budget that covers how their agency will provide the noted deliverables for the available program area: The RFP will open November 16, 2020 and all proposals are due by 12:00 p.m. November 30, 2020. The County reserves the rights to reject any proposal that is incomplete or does not meet the requisite qualifications or to recommend contract amounts less than the maximum budget. This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. 

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Curtis Steinhauer

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Applications and related materials must be received no later than November 30, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. to be considered. The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with MCKINNEY-VENTO PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE


Full Request for Proposals and Application document can be found here.

CLOSED -Request for Information

Grays Harbor County is requesting information from qualified agencies for consideration in a thirty-six month, three year affordable housing capital projects funding schedule (pipeline).   In an effort to organize limited funding as effectively as possible to increase affordable housing in our community, Grays Harbor County is requesting information from qualified agencies for consideration in a thirty six (36) month, three (3) year affordable housing capital projects funding schedule (pipeline).

This pipeline will provide the County with the ability to see a schedule of planned new and rehab construction projects for affordable housing in the community, and provide agencies facilitating these projects with a greater level of confidence to move forward in securing the necessary resources. The County reserves the right to request that Applicants submit additional information as may be requested by staff to clarify submitted information. Also, the County reserves the right to suspend, amend, or modify the provisions of this RFI, to reject all proposals, or to negotiate modifications of proposals.

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Curtis Steinhauer

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520  

All questions must be submitted in writing and questions and answered will be posted on the County’s website    

Applications and related materials must be received no later than August 13th, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. to be considered. The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with AFFORDABLE HOUSING PIPELINE APPLICATION.

Full Request for Information document can be found here.

Business Rules can be found here.

Resource documents:

CLOSED -Request for Proposals

Grays Harbor County has issued a “Request for Proposals” to interested and qualified agencies for the purpose of providing transitional Low Barrier Cold Weather Shelter. Applicants must provide a proposal and budget that covers how their agency will provide the noted deliverables for the available program area: The RFP will open July 8th, 2020 and all proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. August 10th, 2020. The County reserves the rights to reject any proposal that is incomplete or does not meet the requisite qualifications or to recommend contract amounts less than the maximum budget. This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of their proposal.  Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. 

Applications may be submitted via e-mail, mail, or in person at:  

Grays Harbor County Public Health

Attn: Curtis Steinhauer

2109 Sumner Avenue

Aberdeen, WA 98520

Applications and related materials must be received no later than August 10th, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. to be considered. The applicant assumes full responsibility for the delivery method chosen. Applications must be clearly marked with COLD WEATHER SHELTER APPLICATION. 

Full Request for Proposals document and instructions can be found here

To fulfill a 2018 legislative requirement, Grays Harbor County updated its local plan to address unmet housing needs.

The 2019-2024 Grays Harbor County Five Year Plan to Address Unmet Housing Needs is now available.

The County conducted extensive outreach throughout our community to present information about plan requirements and the impacts to funding availability. And, for the parts of the plan that allowed for flexibility, we gathered and incorporated stakeholder feedback.

The plan sets the community vision for addressing homelessness and unmet housing needs. It also, by law, is the road map for how local homeless housing funds can and will be invested.

Housing Stakeholder Coalition

A Housing Stakeholder Coalition has been formed as a platform for education and participation in implementation of strategies outlined in the 10-year Plan to End Homelessness (see below for more information about the plan).

It is an inclusive group of community stakeholders who have an interest or connection to housing programs and services in Grays Harbor.  This group provides recommendations to the Housing Executive Committee and helps guide and implement the 10-year Plan's Work Plan.

The coalition will meet quarterly (January, April, July, and October) and participants may choose to engage with specific workgroups who may meet more regularly.


  • In January 2020 Grays Harbor County was awarded funding through the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide transitional housing for up to 8 survivors of Domestic Violence and their families. Read more about the grant and new resources here.

  • In October 2019 Grays Harbor County released the final grant report and system recommendations that resulted from a three-year USDA Rural Community Development Capacity Building grant.

  • In July 2019 Grays Harbor County was awarded funding through the Office of Homeless Youth to provide emergency shelter for youth experiencing homelessness. Read more about the grant and new resources here.

  • In July 2019 Coastal Community Action Program was awarded funding through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program to provide outreach to youth and young adults experiencing homelessness.

  • In February 2019 Grays Harbor County was awarded funding through the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide permanent supportive housing for up to 16 homeless residents. Read more about the grant and new resources here.

  • Washington State Department of Commerce has recently published several reports that outline the type and scale, as well as measure the effectiveness, of programs serving individuals experiencing homelessness.  These reports also show trends in service and outcomes year-to-year.

    • The Winter 2019 Report Card looks at how our county is doing in comparison to state-directed performance benchmarks including households served that exit to permanent housing and the number of households that return to homelessness after receiving services.  The reporting period for this report is July 2017-June 2018.

    • The Rapid Rehousing Dashboard focuses specifically on rental assistance programs that serve households who are actively experiencing homelessness.  Its measures include prioritizing the most vulnerable clients, average time taken to place clients into permanent housing, increasing income, and the current status of households being served in the program.  The reporting period for this report is July 2017-June 2018.

    • The Temporary Housing Dashboard focuses specifically on emergency shelter programs that are serving households who are actively experiencing homelessness. Its measures include outcomes of exited households, who are the households active in the project, and Office of Homeless Youth Safe and Stable housing measures. It includes data locally from the Grays Harbor Youth Center, Domestic Violence Shelter, and Coastal Community Action Program’s Family Shelter. The reporting period for this report is July 2017-June 2018.

    • NEW: The Homelessness Prevention Dashboard is now available. This report focuses specifically on homelessness prevention programs that are serving households at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Its measures include outcomes of exited households, the living situations of households prior to being served, and the number of “newly homeless” clients in each county. It includes local data from the Grays Harbor Youth Center and Coastal Community Action Program. The reporting period is July 2017-June 2018.

    • The Year-to-Year Comparison report looks at trends in key data points over time.  The reporting period for this report is October-September for each year highlighted.

    • For more information about these measures, reporting periods, and definitions, visit!/

  • The USDA Rural Community Development Initiative (awarded to Grays Harbor County in May 2016, see below for more information) will support a pilot project to provide outreach, engagement, assessment, and case management to homeless individuals with complex challenges (mental health issues, chemical dependency, physical disabilities, etc.).  This collaborative partnership between housing, behavioral health, social services, and businesses will provide homeless individuals will housing and employment supports.  The estimated launch date for this project is January 2018.

  • Grays Harbor County hosted a community training March 13-14, 2017 on housing best practices Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Supported Employment (SE) for individuals experiencing homelessness, presented by nationally recognized consultants Advocates for Human Potential. The goal of this training and other future opportunities is to build our community capacity to implement these best practices – which have been demonstrated as effective and cost saving for the most vulnerable in our community. Materials from this training include:

  • The Department of Commerce has recently published "County Report Cards" to track and report housing outcomes by county.  Click here to view Grays Harbor's report card.  The county is pleased to be meeting or exceeding nationally-set benchmarks in a variety of categories and believes this information will be useful to review and communicate progress made on our 10-year Plan to End Homelessness.  The report card released this summer will reflect calendar year 2015 data, although for some measures data from other years may be included as a comparison. 

  • In May 2016, Grays Harbor County was awarded funding through the USDA Rural Community Development Initiative to provide training, technical assistance and a crucial housing inventory to further the work of the 10-year Plan. Read more about the grant and the next steps here.

For more information or to join the Housing Stakeholder Coalition contact Curtis Steinhauer, Housing Resource Coordinator, at (360) 500-4064 or

The 10-year Plan to End Homelessness was approved in February 2016.

This plan is the product of a comprehensive process to understand the housing needs of Grays Harbor.

A dedicated committee of local housing providers gathered and analyzed data, identified areas of strength and weakness, learned what other communities like ours are doing to end homelessness, and recommended funding priorities for the next 10 years to our county commissioners.

Along the way, we gathered input from:

  • individuals experiencing homelessness

  • local housing providers, including landlords and local governments

  • law enforcement

  • churches and faith communities

  • schools

  • behavioral health and social service providers

This work is directed by the Homeless Housing and Assistance Act of 2005 and is funded by document recording fees.

The Homeless Housing and Assistance Act outlines requirements for both county governments and the State to address homelessness.  The Act requires county governments to develop local plans to end homeless and to update the plan every 5 years.

2005 10-year Plan to End Homelessness

2010 Update

For more information, contact Kimberly Stoll-French at