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2023 Health Symposium

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In October 2023 Public Health hosted the first annual “Health Symposium” in beautiful Seabrook. The Symposium was envisioned as an event to bring together leadership from key community stakeholder working together to improve the health and quality of life in Grays Harbor. The event content and structure was framed around the Vital Conditions for Health and Wellbeing and the intersectionality/mutual need and benefit of all the conditions for health. Framework | The Symposium included a morning of panels of local experts focused on key issues facing our community such as substance use, early childhood supports, chronic health conditions, and a thriving economy. Partners from a variety of perspectives shared about the goals and priorities, successes, and challenges related to these important topics. . The afternoon will be focused on discussion and action to design collective action and next steps. An optional networking reception will be held immediately following the event.


Special thanks to our event sponsors Summit Pacific Medical Center, CHOICE regional health network, and Blue Zones Grays Harbor, and Seabrook for their support of this event.

Presentations shared at the Symposium are linked below:

Grays Harbor Public Health - who is Public Health and current initiatives

CHOICE Regional Health Network - Vital Conditions and role of Accountable Communities of Health

Dr. Umair Shah, Secretary of Health Washington State Department of Health

Summit Pacific Medical Center - mission, vision, and future projects

Symposium Program including agenda and pre-event survey results

*Note that some panelists were not able to attend due to last minute illness/scheduling conflicts