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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631


Veterans Relief Fund Ombudsman/Dedicated Service Officer

Gwyn Tarrence has been selected as your Veterans Relief Fund Ombudsman.

Tarrence is a Marine Corps veteran with a long history of service to her fellow veterans. She is currently the commander of American Legion Post 5 in Aberdeen, taking the post initially in 2011. Tarrence is a veterans service officer, operating through the Veterans Connections Cafe in Westport and through Stafford Creek Corrections Center.

As your Ombudsman, she is available to help you navigate the benefits the Veterans Relief Fund has to offer. Contact her at 360-660-2640 or

Veterans Relief Fund Ombudsman

Gwyn Tarrence is a veterans service officer, operating through the Veterans Connections Cafe in Westport and through Stafford Creek Corrections Center.