Health Advisory: COVID-19 Outbreak
Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department
COVID-19 confirmed in Grays Harbor County resident
The person is receiving hospital care.
Grays Harbor Public Health officials are reporting the County’s first case of novel coronavirus
(COVID-19). The man in his 60s is in isolation and receiving care at Grays Harbor Community Hospital. He did not travel outside the United States before becoming ill.
Public Health is working with the patient’s family to identify and evaluate persons who had close contact with him while he was contagious. Persons believed to be exposed will be asked to quarantine themselves for 14 days past their last exposure and report any symptoms to Public Health.
The risk of COVID-19 in Washington is increasing and Public Health expects that more cases will be
identified now that the criteria for testing have broadened.
The most recent official counts are available on the Washington State Department of Health’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus Oubreak (COVID-19) webpage ( Counts are updated daily.
As of March 10, 2020 – New updated interim infection prevention and control recommendations for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in Health care setting can be located at
Highlights include:
Facemasks are an acceptable alternative when the supply chain of respirators cannot meet the demand
Facemasks protect the wearer from splashes and sprays
Respirators which filter inspired air, offer respiratory protection
Eye protection, gown, and gloves continue to be recommended
COVID-19 Testing Information for Health Care Providers
State of Washington Public Health Lab – Prioritized populations for testing
Must get approval from Local Public Health and the Washington State Department of Health. Please call 360-532-8631 for approval for the following patients:
Health care workers
Patients in other public safety occupations (e.g. law enforcement, fire fighter, EMS)
Patients involved in an illness cluster investigation in a facility or group setting
Patients with NO health insurance
Testing at Commercial Laboratories
In general, the Washington State Department of Health does not recommend testing asymptomatic persons, however, you can consider testing asymptomatic persons if they have been in close contact with a confirmed case through commercial laboratories. Any other patients can be tested per healthcare provider judgement.
Many commercial labs are testing for COVID-19 and more are being added. Please see each laboratory’s test menu for specimen collection instructions, submission forms, and shipping requirements. As of 3/9/20, the following labs are providing testing. Many more labs will become available as FDA approves testing facilities.
University of Washington Virology Lab
Laboratory Corporation of America
Quest Diagnostics
Virginia Mason Medical Center
Additional information
Washington State Department of Health:
WA State Department of Health - Healthcare Provider Resources and Recommendations:
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Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory
Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature