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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631

Epi News

Health Advisory: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

COVID-19 confirmed in Grays Harbor County resident

The person is receiving hospital care.

Grays Harbor Public Health officials are reporting the County’s first case of novel coronavirus
(COVID-19).  The man in his 60s is in isolation and receiving care at Grays Harbor Community Hospital.  He did not travel outside the United States before becoming ill.

Public Health is working with the patient’s family to identify and evaluate persons who had close contact with him while he was contagious.  Persons believed to be exposed will be asked to quarantine themselves for 14 days past their last exposure and report any symptoms to Public Health.

The risk of COVID-19 in Washington is increasing and Public Health expects that more cases will be
identified now that the criteria for testing have broadened. 

The most recent official counts are available on the Washington State Department of Health’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus Oubreak (COVID-19) webpage ( Counts are updated daily.

As of March 10, 2020 – New updated interim infection prevention and control recommendations for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in Health care setting can be located at

Highlights include:      
Facemasks are an acceptable alternative when the supply chain of respirators cannot meet the demand
Facemasks protect the wearer from splashes and sprays       
Respirators which filter inspired air, offer respiratory protection        
Eye protection, gown, and gloves continue to be recommended

COVID-19 Testing Information for Health Care Providers

State of Washington Public Health Lab – Prioritized populations for testing

Must get approval from Local Public Health and the Washington State Department of Health. Please call 360-532-8631 for approval for the following patients:

Health care workers 
Patients in other public safety occupations (e.g. law enforcement, fire fighter, EMS)  
Patients involved in an illness cluster investigation in a facility or group setting  
Patients with NO health insurance

 Testing at Commercial Laboratories

In general, the Washington State Department of Health does not recommend testing asymptomatic persons, however, you can consider testing asymptomatic persons if they have been in close contact with a confirmed case through commercial laboratories. Any other patients can be tested per healthcare provider judgement.

Many commercial labs are testing for COVID-19 and more are being added.  Please see each laboratory’s test menu for specimen collection instructions, submission forms, and shipping requirements.  As of 3/9/20, the following labs are providing testing.  Many more labs will become available as FDA approves testing facilities.

University of Washington Virology Lab

Laboratory Corporation of America

Quest Diagnostics

Virginia Mason Medical Center

Additional information        
Washington State Department of Health:      
WA State Department of Health  - Healthcare Provider Resources and Recommendations:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

COVID-19 Case Counts       
There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grays Harbor County.
Statewide case counts are changing rapidly.        
The most recent official counts are available on the Washington State Department of Health’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus Oubreak (COVID-19) webpage ( Counts are updated daily.

COVID-19 Patient Information Sheets

Please share these information sheets from the Washington State Department of Health with your patients.  They provide key information and targeted messaging for each population.

1).  What to do if you have symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and HAVE NOT been around anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

2).  What to do if you were POTENTIALLY EXPOSED to someone with confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

3).  What to do if you have CONFIRMED OR SUSPECTED coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

People at high risk for complications from COVID-19:       
People older than 60 years        
People with chronic medical conditions, e.g. heart disease, lung disease and diabetes                          
People with weakened immune systems       
Pregnant people 

Protecting people at high risk of severe disease:        
use telephone triage or virtual care options when possible to avoid having infectious persons in the health care setting;       
mask persons who are coughing upon entry into  the clinic.

Additional information        
Washington State Department of Health:      
WA State Department of Health  - Healthcare Provider Resources and Recommendations:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Info Service: Grays Harbor Public Health (GHPH) – Phone Script regarding COVID-19

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

This information may be helpful for: Leadership, Communications, Public Relations, Reception

For your situational awareness, we are sharing our phone script. People who call Public Health during regular hours or after-hours can access this information if they want to hear more about COVID-19. We have it recorded in both English and Spanish. We will change our message if we receive notification that we have a laboratory confirmed case of COVID-19 in Grays Harbor. Otherwise, the message will be updated every Friday and Monday.


This is information concerning the symptoms and evaluation of Coronavirus (COVID-19) as of March 6, 2020. This message will be updated as information changes: Currently there are no confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Grays Harbor County.

COVID-19 is circulating in some communities in Washington. Other respiratory viruses, including influenza, are also circulating in Washington. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough and shortness of breath. Influenza causes the same symptoms as COVID-19.

If you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath but have not been around anyone who has confirmed COVID-19, the likelihood that you have COVID-19 is fairly low.

If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing AND:

  • are age 60 years or older, OR

  • are pregnant, OR

  • have a medical condition,

call your doctor. They may want to monitor your health more closely or test you for influenza.

If you do not have a high-risk condition and your symptoms are mild, you do not need to go to the
doctor and you do not need to be tested for COVID-19. You should drink plenty of fluids, rest, and take pain and fever medication as needed. There are currently no medications to treat COVID-19.

Follow the steps outlined next to help prevent your infection from spreading to people in your home and
Clean your hands often, by either washing them with soap and water or using hand sanitizer.       
Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, your sleeve, or a face mask.       
Regularly clean all “high-touch” surfaces such as door knobs.       
Avoid sharing personal household items.       
Monitor your symptoms. If you need medical attention, call ahead before visiting your
doctor so that they can take steps to keep other people from getting infected.        
Stay home until it has been 3 days after your fever is gone and your other symptoms are better.

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

COVID-19 case counts

  • There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grays Harbor County.

  • Statewide case counts are changing rapidly.

  • The most recent official counts are available on the Washington State Department of Health’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus Oubreak (COVID-19) webpage ( Counts are updated at 11am daily.

 COVID-19 Testing Information for Health Care Providers

 State of Washington Public Health Lab – Prioritized populations for testing

Must get approval from Local Public Health and the Washington State Department of Health. Please call 360-532-8631 for approval for the following patients:

 o   Health Care Worker

o   Patients in other public safety occupations (e.g. law enforcement, fire fighter, EMS)

o   Patients involved in an illness cluster investigation in a facility or group setting

o   Patients with NO health insurance

Testing at Commercial Laboratories

In general, the Washington State Department of Health does not recommend testing asymptomatic persons, however, you can consider testing asymptomatic persons if they have been in close contact with a confirmed case through commercial laboratories. Any other patients can be tested per healthcare provider judgement.

 Many commercial labs are testing for COVID-19 and more are being added.  Please see each laboratory’s test menu for specimen collection instructions, submission forms, and shipping requirements.  As of 3/9/20, the following labs are providing testing.  Many more labs will become available as FDA approves testing facilities.

 o   University of Washington Virology Lab

o   Laboratory Corporation of America

o   Quest Diagnositcs

Diagnostic Respiratory Specimen Collection

  • Collecting specimens for testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, from patients with known or suspected COVID-19  should adhere to Standard, Contact, and Airborne Precautions, including the use of eye protection.  Full PPE should be utilized.

  • These procedures should take place in an AIIR or in an examination room with the door closed. Ideally, the patient should not be placed in any room where room exhaust is recirculated within the building without HEPA filtration. 

For more information, please visit

Additional information

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

COVID-19 case counts

  • There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grays Harbor County.

  • Statewide case counts are changing rapidly.

  • The most recent official counts are available on the Washington State Department of Health’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus Oubreak (COVID-19) webpage ( Counts are updated at 11am daily.

COVID-19 testing guidance
Two tracks for testing for COVID-19 

Please contact Grays Harbor Public Health to triage your testing options.

1.      State of Washington Public Health Lab

Must get approval from local Public Health and the Washington State Department of Health.

I. Fever or lower respiratory symptoms/signs AND close contact (including

healthcare work) with a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 case within 14 days of symptom onset

II. Fever and lower respiratory symptoms/signs requiring hospitalization AND

travel to an affected geographic (CDC level 2 or 3) within 14 days of onset; see:  

III. Fever with severe acute lower respiratory illness (e.g., pneumonia, ARDS) requiring hospitalization (or fatal) and without alternative explanatory diagnosis (must test negative for other viral respiratory pathogens)

Grays Harbor Public Health coordinates the specimen collection/transport to the Pubilc Health Lab.

2.      University of Washington Virology Lab

For testing when patient does not meeting CDC/WA Department of Health testing criteria listed above. (

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

Persons Under Investigation in Grays Harbor County

At the time of this writing, two Grays Harbor County residents are under investigation and will be tested for COVID-19.  Public Health is working with their health care providers and close contacts to put infection control measures in place.  Neither of the individuals report contact with a known case of COVID-19 or travel to areas with known sustained community transmission.

 What’s the Current Risk?

The risk of exposure is increasing for people who live in Washington State.  Our knowledge of COVID-19 is still rapidly evolving.  The risk assessment will be updated as needed.

 COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Statewide case counts are changing rapidly.  The most recent official counts are available on the Washington State Department of Health’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus Oubreak (COVID-19) webpage ( Counts are updated at 11am daily.

 Evaluating and Reporting Persons Under Investigation (PUI):

As of February 27, 2020, CDC has updated their Criteria to Guide Evaluation of PUI for COVID-19. Specifically, they have updated the list of affected geographic areas with widespread or sustained community transmission to now include:

·         China

·         Iran

·         Italy

·         Japan

·         South Korea

 The Washington State Public Health Laboratory will provide COVID-19 testing only for patients who meet the following criteria.  If you are evaluating a patient who meets these criteria, contact public health at (360)532-8631 to arrange testing.

Criteria to Guide Evaluation of PUI for COVID-19

  For more information, please visit

 Additional information:

For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health:


 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 29; PUIs Pending Results: 7; Total tested: 37

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 322. 

 Evaluating and Reporting Persons Under Investigation (PUI):

As of February 27, 2020, CDC has updated their Criteria to Guide Evaluation of PUI for COVID-19. Specifically, they have updated the list of affected geographic areas with widespread or sustained community transmission to now include:

·         China

·         Iran

·         Italy

·         Japan

·         South Korea


Criteria to Guide Evaluation of PUI for COVID-19

 For more information, please visit

 Strategies for optimizing the supply of N95 respirators:

The CDC is offering guidance on how to optimize supplies of N95 respirators in healthcare settings in the face of potential ongoing COVID-19 transmission.

 For more information, please visit

 Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

 For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health


 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 26; PUIs Pending Results: 2; Total tested: 29

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 355. 

 Monitoring process (updated February 14, 2020):

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Department of Homeland Security and the CDC at SeaTac Airport.

 People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

 People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be contacted by Washington State Department of Health (with assistance from Grays Harbor Public Health as needed) and asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, they are asked to contact Grays Harbor Public Health so that we can quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

 Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

 For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health

·         CDC:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 26; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 28

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 387. 

 Monitoring process (updated February 14, 2020):

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Department of Homeland Security and the CDC at SeaTac Airport.

 People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

 People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be contacted by Washington State Department of Health (with assistance from Grays Harbor Public Health as needed) and asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, they are asked to contact Grays Harbor Public Health so that we can quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

 Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

 For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health


 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 26; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 28

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 438. 

 Monitoring process (updated February 14, 2020):

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Department of Homeland Security and the CDC at SeaTac Airport.

 People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

 People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be contacted by Washington State Department of Health (with assistance from Grays Harbor Public Health as needed) and asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, they are asked to contact Grays Harbor Public Health so that we can quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

 Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

 For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health

·         CDC:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 25; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 27

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 793

 Monitoring process (updated February 14, 2020):

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Department of Homeland Security and the CDC at SeaTac Airport.

 People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

 People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be contacted by Washington State Department of Health (with assistance from Grays Harbor Public Health as needed) and asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, they are asked to contact Grays Harbor Public Health so that we can quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

 Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

 For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health

·         CDC:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 24; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 26

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 794

 Monitoring process (updated February 14, 2020):

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Department of Homeland Security and the CDC at SeaTac Airport.

 People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

 People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be contacted by Washington State Department of Health (with assistance from Grays Harbor Public Health as needed) and asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, they are asked to contact Grays Harbor Public Health so that we can quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

 Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

 For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health


 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 24; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 26

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 746

 Monitoring process (updated February 14, 2020):

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Department of Homeland Security and the CDC at SeaTac Airport.

 People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

 People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be contacted by Washington State Department of Health (with assistance from Grays Harbor Public Health as needed) and asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, they are asked to contact Grays Harbor Public Health so that we can quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

 Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

 For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health

·         CDC:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 23; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 25

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 614

 Monitoring process (updated February 14, 2020):

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Department of Homeland Security and the CDC at SeaTac Airport.

 People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

 People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be contacted by Washington State Department of Health (with assistance from Grays Harbor Public Health as needed) and asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, they are asked to contact Grays Harbor Public Health so that we can quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

 Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

 For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health


 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: COVID-19 Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

On February 11, 2020 the World Health Organization announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19.   CDC will be updating their website and other CDC materials to reflect the updated name.

COVID-19 in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 23; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 25

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 526

Monitoring process:

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Department of Homeland Security and the CDC at SeaTac Airport.

People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. For Grays Harbor County residents, Grays Harbor Public Health will contact them daily to check in on them and their wellbeing. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, we will monitor and if indicated, quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health

·         CDC:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 23; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 25

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 486

Monitoring process:

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Customs and Border Patrol at SeaTac Airport.

People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. For Grays Harbor County residents, Grays Harbor Public Health will contact them daily to check in on them and their wellbeing. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, we will monitor and if indicated, quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health


 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Outbreak

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Current situation:

2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Washington Test Results

Positive (confirmed): 1; Negative: 22; PUIs Pending Results: 1; Total tested: 24

Number of people under public health supervision in WA State: 434

Monitoring process:

As of February 3, 2020, all travelers coming from China will be screened by Customs and Border Patrol at SeaTac Airport.

People with fever and respiratory illness will be isolated by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) medical professional and, if warranted, will be transported to a hospital for a medical evaluation.

People without fever and respiratory illness who have been to parts of China outside of Hubei province in the past 14 days will be asked to quarantine themselves and monitor their health for 14 days before returning to school or work. For Grays Harbor County residents, Grays Harbor Public Health will contact them daily to check in on them and their wellbeing. If they do not develop symptoms during the 14 days, they will return to school or work. If they do develop symptoms, we will monitor and if indicated, quickly help them get evaluated by a healthcare provider; in consultation with the WA Department of Health and CDC, we will help arrange testing if appropriate.

Additional information:

We are following the situation closely, and it is changing rapidly; we will send updates as needed.

For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

·         Washington State Department of Health

·         CDC:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

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Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Update: Webinar | Management of 2019 Novel Coronoavirus in Outpatient Settings

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Dear Colleagues,

We hope you will attend this webinar and that you will share the link with outpatient clinics in your jurisdictions.

We’ve received many inquiries on how to identify and safely assess patients with suspected 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) in an outpatient setting

On this webinar, we’ll provide updates on 2019-nCoV epidemiology, review outpatient infection prevention measures, hear from ambulatory care and infection prevention experts, and have dedicated Q & A time for attendees.

Please forward this invitation to your healthcare and public health colleagues.

Please register for Management of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in Outpatient Settings on Monday, February 3, 2020 2:00 PM PST at:

Additionally, the Washington State Department of Health continues to post resources here:

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Advisory: Novel Coronavirus Outbreak 2020

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

On January 21, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Washington State Department of Health announced the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in Snohomish County.

The patient recently returned from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, where an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus has been ongoing since December.

2019 novel coronavirus is concerning because it’s a new strain and can cause pneumonia.

·         We are following the situation closely.

·         It is changing rapidly.

·         For the latest screening guidance and information, go to:

If you would like to speak with our Communicable Disease staff, please call (360)500-4044.

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Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature

Health Advisory: Elevated Influenza Activity: Influenza B/Victoria and A (H1N1) Viruses are the Predominant Viruses

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reminds clinicians that influenza B viruses can cause severe illness in people of all ages, including children.  CDC continues to recommend influenza vaccination and prompt antiviral treatment of high-risk outpatients and hospitalized patients with suspected influenza.

 This health advisory notifies clinicians that influenza activity remains high in the United States.  Ongoing elevated activity is due to influenza B/Victoria viruses, increasing circulation of influenza A(H1N1) viruses, and low levels of influenza B/Yamagata and influenza A(H3N2) viruses. CDC’s influenza forecasts suggest that national influenza activity will remain elevated for several more weeks.  Because influenza activity is elevated and both influenza A and B virus infections can cause severe disease and death, this health advisory also serves as a reminder that early treatment with antiviral medications improves outcomes in patients with influenza.  Early treatment with antiviral medications is recommended for hospitalized patients and high-risk outpatients, including children younger than two years. 

 Clinicians should continue efforts to vaccinate patients for as long as influenza viruses are circulating, and promptly start antiviral treatment of severely ill and high-risk patients with suspected influenza without waiting for laboratory confirmation.

 So far this season, influenza B virus infections account for about half of hospitalizations reported through CDC’s laboratory-confirmed influenza hospitalization surveillance network and the majority of reported influenza-associated pediatric deaths.

 CDC continues to recommend everyone six months of age and older get vaccinated for influenza.

 EPI NEWS is faxed to healthcare offices during events of public health significance.  Please share or post so that others may see this.  Sign up for Epi News by email at:

Health Alert: Immediate action needed
Health Update: Updated information on Alert or Advisory

Health Advisory: May require immediate action
Info Service: Not of an emergent nature