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2109 Sumner Avenue
Aberdeen, WA
United States

(360) 532-8631


Grays Harbor County Mass Vaccination

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Grays Harbor County Public Health COVID-19 Incident Management Team (IMT) in coordination with Grays Harbor Community Hospital and the Port of Grays Harbor is holding a mass vaccination site for the administration of COVID-19 Vaccinations. The first date of this site will be Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.

This site is by appointment only. Starting Sunday, January 24, 2021 Grays Harbor County Public Health began scheduling appointments based on the Vaccination Intake Form that went out on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. If you have yet to be contacted for this round of vaccinations, you will be scheduled for a future vaccination clinic. If you do not have an appointment, you will be told to turn around. There will be absolutely no walkin appointments.

Prioritization for this site will be residents of Grays Harbor County who are in Phase 1A and Phase 1B Tier 1 of the Washington State Department of Health’s Vaccination Distribution Plan. Included in these phases are High-Risk Workers in health care settings, high-risk first responders, residents of long term care facilities, people 65 years of age and older, and people 50 years and older who are members of multigenerational households. We will not be vaccinating outside of the current phase as directed by the Washington State Department of Health.

If you need to be registered for a Vaccination, please visit If you are unable to, please call our COVID-19 Call Center at (360) 964-1850. The Call Center is open Mon - Fri from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM and Sat, Sun, and Holidays from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Please do not call to schedule your appointment if you have already filled out this form.