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Expanded criteria for COVID-19 testing


Expanded criteria for COVID-19 testing

Grays Harbor County Public Health & Social Services Department

Updated health order issued to local providers

 On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, Grays Harbor County Health Officer, Dr. John Bausher, updated the Health Order defining the criteria for testing priorities of COIVD-19 within Grays Harbor County. The updated Health Order expands testing to the following groups:

·         People over the age of 60 with underlying medical conditions.

·         People with compromised immune systems.

·         Pregnant people.

·         People experiencing homelessness.

Testing criteria were able to be expanded because more testing supplies have become available in our County. Although the outcome of a COVID-19 test does not change the patient’s treatment plan, testing does give the patient information to keep themselves and their close contacts safe. The additional testing also gives Grays Harbor Public Health information to better track the disease.

Common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. People who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to seek medical attention.

If you have a regular healthcare provider, you should call your provider to ask about testing. If you do not have a regular health care provider, you can now call Grays Harbor Public Health’s COVID-19 call center and speak with a medical professional who can assess whether or not you meet criteria for testing.

Grays Harbor Public Health’s COVID-19 call center is here to help residents of Grays Harbor get answers to questions about COVID-19. The bi-lingual call center is staffed 8:30am – 4:00pm Monday through Friday at (360) 964-1850. Residents can also email their questions to If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please still call 9-1-1.

Grays Harbor Public Health and Grays Harbor Emergency Management are continuing to work to bring more testing supplies to our County. Testing availability will continue to be influenced by the supply levels. Public Health is working closely with Grays Harbor Community Hospital to provide a patient-friendly testing experience.